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Daniel Ricciardo POV

I can't explain the relief I got when I met that woman at the grocery store. Alice had been crying for 20 minutes or more. Iris made me believe that maybe Alice was just being wrongly fed. My parents were excited about these days, they asked me to call them to tell them how it's been. Everyone wanted her to accept the deal.

The morning comes and I hear the bell ring, I go there and see Iris who quickly smiles. Alice was sleeping for the last half an hour after a hellish night and I don't think she will sleep for long.

"Good morning Daniel" She says and I give her a smile.

"Good morning Iris. Thank you for coming. I just want to let it clear that I will pay you for these days, I noticed yesterday that it wasn't very clear." I say nervously while stepping aside for her to get in.

"I wouldn't mind if you didn't. It's a trial and also a little help. Those dark circles make me realize she didn't let you sleep tonight" She says while we walked to the living room.

"She rarely lets me sleep for more than a couple hours" I say and she nods.

"Well, I'm here now. So, how about you go to your room, close the door, and sleep as long as you want and I will take care of her and see what she might need?" She asks and I almost felt like hugging jer from the joy I was feeling.

"I wouldn't do that to you, if she gets unbearable I will be here so you can leave freely" I say but she lets out a laugh.

"Daniel, I'm trained for unbearable kids. Go sleep, I will take care of her and see how bad it is and if I would do it on a daily basis" She says and I reluctantly agree.

"Well, I will declare you my savior if I'm able to get a full cycle of sleep" I say and she laughs.

"Show me where she sleeps" She says and I nod. We walk through the hallway and I point to my room.

"Her crib is in my room" I say getting in and she nods.

"Well, if I stay for good we will have a sleeping routine. We will get her used to sleeping at night, she is at an age where she doesn't need night bottles, at maximum she will need one. She will move to a different bedroom with a baby monitor to keep you informed if she once in a while needs a bottle in the middle of the night" She says and I'm surprised because she shouldn't be grumpy all night if that's the case.

"I don't understand why she wakes up so many times, she has her diaper clean and she doesn't want to be fed. She just wakes up, screams, and then is always doing that for the rest of the night"

"What happened to her mother? Did she ever have a motherly figure?" She asks and I shake my head.

"She left before Alice turned a month old. It has been us since then" I say and she looks like she realized something.

"Maybe she is missing a motherly figure. Anatomy is different from a woman to a man. Does she calm down with Michelle or Grace?" She asks and I nod.

"She seems to always calm down with them"

"That might be it. She needs a motherly figure, a formula change, and a sleep routine will be beneficial so you will be able to sleep up to 12 hours without her waking up at night. It will be fine Daniel. You aren't supposed to know everything. Go to sleep, when she wakes up I will pick her up and take her with me. Keep sleeping" She says and I nod.

I went to the bed and I think I immediately fell asleep. I woke up about an hour later by Alice's crying but Iris quickly got in and picked her up. I watched as she talked to her in a baby voice and Iris starts laughing and holding Iris's hair. They got out, and I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

I finally woke up feeling way less exhausted, I felt like a normal person for the first time in months. I took a sigh of relief and sat on my bed wondering how many hours I slept. I got up and went into the living room, but she was not there, I hear a noise from the kitchen and go there.

Iris was there with Alice in her arms, she sang and talked to her while she watched delighted. Iris was clearly cooking while keeping her easily entertained.

"You are a pretty baby aren't you Alice?" She asks as she put her on her high chair while giving her a small piece of bread. Alice puts it in her mouth happily and looks at me giving me a smile.

"Hello there" I say and Iris turns to me with a smile.

"Daniel! You look recharged" She says letting out a laugh.

"I am, I really am. I feel good for the first time in months" I say sitting down by Alice's side.

"Well. It's 7 pm so I made some dinner for us, Iris too of course. I made some macaroni and cheese. She can eat it and we can too" She says giving me the plate of food. She gives Alice a small one and she started eating with her hands quickly.

"Can she eat a vast variety of food? I have no idea of that" I ask interested because I only give her small portions of pasta and fruit because that's what doctors seemed to think that's what she needed.

"She can eat a small portion of food by now. Most of her calories should come from her formula but she can eat sandwiches, pasta, and fruit smoothies. They are pretty simple at this age" She says sitting in front of us.

"Was she really bad?" I ask and she quickly shakes her head while eating what she had in her mouth.

"She was an angel actually. I gave her some toys. Some snacks throughout the day and formula. She slept for 6 hours in my lap. She was giggling and trying to make me go bald" She says making me laugh and I'm surprised.

"You are really good with kids then, I tried all I could and she wouldn't stop" I say and she gives me a smile.

"Being a single parent is hard. Can you tell me more about how your usual routine? I would like to know" She says curiously and I nod.

"I train every day, normally in the morning. I would normally wake up at 7 am and train for a few hours, then eat breakfast by 10. Before sleeping I used to also go for a run and appreciate the view and exercise. On the weekends we have races that are a bit different but Thursdays we have a press conference in the middle of the afternoon. Fridays we have two practices and some media activities. Saturday qualifying and also the third practice or a sprint. Interviews are a thing too. Sunday it's the race, by the middle or end of the afternoon. There are a lot of activities that keep us busy through the three days, mostly related to fans and the media" I say and she looked interested.

"That is really cool. And how many of those weekends is there this coming year?" She asks genuinely interested, I think.

"22 races and 20 countries, these will be the biggest calendar ever approved. 22 different races and weekends. The pre-season testing starts in February in Spain and then in Bahrain. After that, the 22 weekends start" I say and she nods. Will she accept to be Alice's babysitter?

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