18|| Storm

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Before you start I wanted to thank you all for 5k reads! I'm so thankful for all those who continue to read my work!❤️

Before you start I wanted to thank you all for 5k reads! I'm so thankful for all those who continue to read my work!❤️

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"Maybe stress or blood loss?" I semi-panicked voice whispered.

"Are you not sure?! Your a doctor for crying out loud!" an angry voice said.

"No, no I think it was both. I think she lost too much blood at one time since it was her first menstrual it probably didn't react to her fragile body so well. And what Romano told her didn't help at all." The voice said.

I started to pry my eyes open welcoming an unpleasant bright light.

I looked around and saw Ace rushing towards me "hi Bella how do you feel?" He asked.

I blinked slowly while my throat was crying for water. "Thirsty" I croaked out. Ace immediately grabbed an ice-cold water bottle from a mini fridge I never noticed.

I drank it greedily as I got on my elbows and sat up against my bed.

Ace kissed my head while stroking my hair "Bambina I was so worried, I know nothing about the female species so I panicked Vince said it was probably blood loss and stress that lead you to pass out." He quaked.

I smiled. Trying not to burst out laughing that he called my kind the female species. Yeah, I may have just woken up from a few-hour nap and I'm smiling probably looking like a zombie. Anywho that's not the point the point is that he cared.

They both cared. At least enough to make sure I didn't die.

Vince checked my vitals and made sure I didn't lose too much blood. Once that was done I fell back to sleep within seconds.


The next day I woke up in pain and very irritated. Hip hip hormonal! I took some pain meds and hopped in the shower to scrub myself after that I put on my sweats and a hoodie I stole from Matteo.

I went straight to Romanos's office to talk about my last name.

He said waters weren't moms name. Why would she lie though? She wouldn't lie not to me at least.

I barged in and sat right in front of him with my arms crossed.

"Tell me more about the last names" I demanded. Romanos's face held hesitation but he proceeded anyway.

"Mom left dad when you were a baby." He stated bluntly.

"Huh? I mean I never knew about my bio dad she never really told me about him." I said.

"Of course, she didn't." He muttered. "Well, mom didn't think dad was fit to have a little girl." He said.

"You're not making any sense Ro they had five kids before me. Wait we're not half-siblings or anything right?" I asked.

"No. We both have the same biological parents. Mom didn't like what dad did for work so she left. The end." He grumbled.

"You did not just tell me that and end it with the end. There's more to that story and you being as stubborn as you are I know you won't tell me anything." I yelled.

I walked to the door and slammed it on my way out. I'm just so frustrated my brothers don't tell me anything they're hiding something I could feel it.

I stormed upstairs and belly-flopped on my bed I haven't gone to school in a day. Today is the second day I missed.

Maybe I could go late. School starts at 8:30 and it's 9:00 now.

Yeah, I'll ask Vince to take me.

After washing up and putting my uniform on I went to Vince's room to ask him if he could take me to school.

I barged in and saw him on the phone. Blushing.


"Vinny," I said in a sweet voice. He looked up and we made eye contact he immediately said he'd call the person back later and hung up.

"Yeah?" He questioned nervously. "Can you take me to school?" I asked.

"You took your meds and changed your pad?" He asked. "Why would you ask that? It's embarrassing." I groaned.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Let's go." He hopped off his bed and ran downstairs to grab the keys.

I slung my bag on my back and followed after him.

We hopped in a black Ashton Martin DBX and he drove off to my school.

After arriving I was squeezed to death by Harlow after I told her I was coming.

"Omg you made it just in time! Black is back." She squealed.

Black? Oh yeah, that one guy that everyone was gossiping about a while back. But what does that have to do with me?

"And? So what?" I asked. Harlow looked at me like I grew a second head.

"So what? So what she asks omg you are delusional you'll know when you know girl." She responded.

After a few classes, I was on my way to lunch when I bumped into a wall.

I landed on the ground and looked up to see beautiful grey eyes. It was a guy, not a wall. A handsome guy at that.

His eyes were like a storm of good and bad. His jawline was as sharp as a knife his facial structure was to die for. Literally. He was muscular but not too muscular. Very tall probably 6'2 or 6'3

Gosh, his hair was so fluffy. Like a black cloud I just wanted to run my hands through it an- No! No no no.

I then realized I was staring and quickly stood up. Then that's when the irritation came back.

"Couldn't you see me?" I spat. "Of course, I did your not easy to miss." He growled.

"Well, I'm sorry your such a giant if you can't shrink your height shrink your ego," I said.

He chuckled darkly but didn't leave the glare he was giving me.

"Yeah laugh it off," I grumbled as I bumped his shoulder and walked away.

I met with the group at lunch but didn't talk at all. The pain was starting up again and I wasn't in the mood.

The day went by very slowly but I managed to not punch any of my teachers and classmates in the face.

When I got home I ignored my brother's questions and went straight to bed.

The only thing on my mind was that mysterious grey-eyed guy.

Thank you guys for your patience. I especially want to thank y'all for 5k reads! QOTD: Soda or juice? Me? Juice 4 life. Thanks again! K byeeee.

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