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I got dressed in a cropped white tee, sweats, and a plaid button-up o stole from one of the boys

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I got dressed in a cropped white tee, sweats, and a plaid button-up o stole from one of the boys.

Roman was already in the car waiting for me.

Once I was buckled up we were off. The ride started quietly until I broke the silence.

"Why are we going to the spot?" I questioned.

"You'll see soon enough." He responded in a monotone manner.

The rest of the ride was completely silent, we had arrived at the spot and Roman automatically got out and started walking.

Sooner or later he stopped by a tree and dropped down on his knees he started digging in the dirt like a dog?

How weird, within seconds he pulled out a beautiful wooden antique box from out the dirt.

He got up from the ground and walked near the river and sat on the small patch of grass

I followed suit and sat near him.

He opened the box and inside were dozens of photos some looked decades old but others looked newer.

But that's not what completely caught my attention, there was a necklace that looked exactly like the one mom gave me. The same exact gold M.

"It's just like yours" he murmured. My hand instantly went to the necklace on my neck.

"Mom said she wanted her oldest and youngest to have these necklaces." He whispered pulling out the necklace and placing it in his hand.

"W-why don't you wear it?" I asked wearily.

"Cause I didn't have you here to wear it with me, my baby sister. When you were taken it broke my heart, It was so hard." He sighed.

"I'm sorry, I was I had known I had brothers. Thera no doubt in my mind that would've come to live with you guys." I said.

He glanced at me with those sad blue eyes. His eyes held pity but they also held adoration.

He suddenly clipped the necklace onto his neck.

"Now, I have a reason to wear it. My heart is no longer broken. It's healed." He murmured.

I couldn't hold it anymore I burst into tears and crushed his in a hug. Have you every hugged someone and they're squishy? Like a good kinda squishy, almost like a pillow?

Hehe, I'm almost like a human Olaf. Anyway back to the point.

Well, it's not like that hugging Roman it's like I'm hugging a rock.

But at least my rock has a beautiful heart.

We took about two hours looking at photos of Roman when he was little. He was very chubby but so very adorable.

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