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Astraea's pov

It's been a week since I and Paul's anniversary, and I told my sister, Ada about our night together. I told her about Paul's effort too and his talent for cooking.

"Astraea, your phone is ringing," Mom told me and hand me the phone.

"Paul? Hello?" No ones speaking
"Astraea, are you free tonight?" Paul spoke "Yes" Astraea answered.

"Can you please go to Emily's place tonight?" Paul asked as Astraea furrowed her eyebrows "Sure."

"Thank you doll, bye." That was the last time he said before he hung up. "Who was it?" Mom asked "just Paul," I told her and sit on the couch "what does he want?" she ask, I shrugged "I don't know, maybe he wants to tell me something." I said.

"Maybe he has a surprise for you," Mom said, smiling "how do you know?" I ask Mom and give her a stern look and she returns a silly look "trust me boys are good when it came to surprises." she said while making a dramatic hand gesture.

"Keep him, Astraea. If you wouldn't, I doubted there's any guy who wanted to be with you other than him."

"I should get ready," I said and stand up and go to my room.

I go over to my closet and search for the outfit that suits the weather. I didn't shower, I just changed my clothes because I showered when I woke up earlier.

I grab the keys to the padlock of my bike before going downstairs and going outside our porch to unlock the padlock.

After I unlock the padlock, I return the key to my room and said goodbye to my parents and Ada before I ran out of the house and grab my bike, and pedaled away.

Cass wasn't here, she came back to Seattle to see how her own family doing, she said she will come back with her kids, Clari, Henry, Kate, and her husband.

I arrive at Emily's house and see the whole pack was there waiting outside. I drop my bike to the ground and start walking toward Emily's porch.

"Hey, Guys." I waved at them, and everyone looks at me and then at Paul "what's happening?" I asked, but nobody spoke until Emily "Come on, boys. I bake some cupcakes" Emily clap her hand and signaled everyone to go inside.

When I was about to pull Paul inside, he didn't move, he just stand there as if he wanted to stay there

"Is something wrong?" I ask him and look him in the eye but he looks away.

"I need to tell you something." He spoke up "what is it?" I ask him and move closer to him and bring my hand to his face but he removes it.

"Is something bothering you?"

"Paul, I need you to tell me what is wrong," I said to him nearly yelling, he gulp and look at me. He whisper something that I didn't understand.

"You didn't cheat, do you?" I ask him nervously but I only got a stare. I'm starting to get nervous here, maybe I just watch too much movie drama. I don't know what happen to him. yesterday he doesn't look like this, he was okay, we're okay.

"I imprinted." Silence. "You what?" I asked him.

"I imprinted" he mumbles. Then, I finally understand what was happening.

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