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Rosalie had called Astraea earlier. She asked if Astraea can come to the house because Bella and Edward is back. When she asked why Rosalie said that Edward and Bella wanted her to be there. So, she asked Aiden to drop her off at the Cullen.

"Bella, you look-" she wasn't able to finish her sentence because Emmett pull her aside.

"Why does she look like that?" Astraea asked Emmett, trying to keep her voice down as much as she can.

"Probably because of the baby," Emmett answered, and Astraea's eye widened "There's a baby inside her?" Astraea said as she shift her gaze toward Bella.

"You heard me the first time." Emmett said, "This is why I never wanted to have a child." Emmett furrowed his eyebrows "A Child is cute" He said.

"Children are annoying," Astraea said as she rolled her eyes. A child is only cute when they're not so annoying.

It's been a month now and Astraea finds herself associated with the child inside Bella. They were all worried about what will happen if Bella gives birth. Carlisle presumes that Bella will give birth more than the usual nine months of pregnancy. That child is not normal, which they feared. They feared that Bella's life might end because of the baby inside of her, and Edward feared that he will lose the woman he loved because of a child they both conceive.

"What's happening there?" Astraea asked when she entered the room and saw Alice holding Rosalie in the throat "the baby is about to come. And Rosalie got distracted by the blood so I had to take her away from Bella." Alice explained.

"Take care of her." Alice said before she hands Rosalie to Astraea "Calm down, Rosalie. You need to control your thirst." Astraea told Rosalie.

"Is that a cry?" Rosalie said as her eyes softened "The baby's here." A smile appear on Rosalie's face as she heard the cry, Rosalie stand up before going to The room where everyone is "Rosalie, you're not allowed in there."

"I'm alright, Astraea, Stay there," Rosalie said, it looks like there was no way of stopping her.

Astraea slammed her body into the couch as she sighed. A few minutes later, Rosalie return with the baby, and Astraea had never seen her so happy before.

"How's Bella?" Astraea asked as she get off the couch "She's complicated." Rosalie said.

"I wish she will be alright," Astraea said before she made her way to Bella.

"Edward, is sh- she alright?" Astraea stutter, Bella is there, laying like a dead person. But maybe, she is dead. Edward is reviving her, he already injects his venom into her body but nothing happens.

This is exactly what they feared the most.

"Edward, is she gonna make it?" She stands there as she watches them bring her back to life, though, Bella never came back to life.

It happens so fast that Astraea can't believe what was happening. She is standing at the door because she can't bear to walk toward Bella and Edward. Jacob had run out with tears on his face after they can no longer save Bella.

"They're here," Edward whispered, Astraea furrowed her eyebrows. then, she realizes. "Alice, Jasper!" Edward yelled.

Edward walked past her "Edward." Astraea called, hoping Edward would listen "Go to Renesmee, Astraea." He said but didn't look back "But-" Edward cut her off "Just go."

"Edward." Edward looks back at her "don't ever hesitate to hurt them, do hurt them." Astraea mumbled, but she know Edward heard her.

She start walking towards Rosalie and Renesmee, but, she didn't expect Jacob to be there. He was on his knees behind the couch where Rosalie is seated with Renesmee on her arm.

"They're already outside, Rosalie," Astraea informed Rosalie as she rushed to her side to take a glimpse of the newborn baby.

"I've heard," Rosalie said as she smiled at the baby who is looking back at her

"They need you, Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle aren't back yet. " Rosalie shifts her gaze at her "What about Renesmee?" Rosalie asked

"give her to me, Rosalie." Astraea stretches her arms towards Renesmee.

"But, what if they hurt you?" Rosalie asked, Astraea could see in Rosalie's eyes that Rosalie is worried

"They will not, I'm one of them after all." That word felt like poison.

"Keep her safe," Rosalie said as she hands the newborn child. This is the first time Astraea saw the child's face, and she must admit that this does not look like a newborn.

"I will," Astraea replied.

Then, she noticed the man that she saw when she entered the room is still on his knees

"What are you still doing here?" Jacob didn't talk and she understands it right away "Oh, god. You imprinted on a child?" She asked in disbelief "Are you and your pack will always do no good?"

"You're the one to talk." He scoffed which pissed her off, he always acts like he's such a saint when he's not.

"Of course, I am the one to talk." She snapped at him, every time she saw Jacob, she saw Rachel. Part of her already forgot that she was their cousin.

When Astraea glanced at the baby on her arm, she saw it fast asleep. How could someone look so innocent?

She stared at Jacob, who is staring back at her. Whatever is happening outside is not good. So, she needs to do something before somebody could die.

"Go outside, and do something good, even just for tonight," Astraea told Jacob. "Stop them while there is still time." She added.

This is the only thing she could do, she's not connected to any of Sam's pack, she never did.

Jacob nodded at her before he run out to stop what was happening outside.

Astraea smiled and stared at Renesmee with a million thoughts running through her head.

What if somebody had died? What if they never stop? Is this mean Renesmee will grow up without a mother? Astraea thought.

But maybe, Bella will come back but she is no longer what she used to be anymore.

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