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"why aren't your bags packed, Aunt Coraline? We're leaving tomorrow." I asked, half asleep. It was four am in the morning when I decided to get out of bed and head outside but decided to see Aunt Coraline first and it doesn't surprise me to see her awake.

She was supposed to be packing up. It's her third day here and I said to her we'll leave at her fourth "No, no, dear. We're staying here two more weeks." Aunt Coraline adjusted her glasses to the bridge of her nose
"What?" I asked in disbelief and pure shock. She's gone mad, isn't she?

"Do you want it to be a month, I could make it." She smiled at me, teasing me. "Fuck no." I blurted. At this point, I don't care that she doesn't like me swearing but the fuck are we going to do in here

"That young man Paul." Aunt Coraline started, knowing what she is doing "Don't start." I grunted. I turned my back on her and head out for the door.

"You never changed, Hemera." I heard her say before I closed the door behind me.

Just like I expected, Mateo is on the couch with his mouth slightly parted. He seems comfortable there so I don't feel guilty about locking the door. I like him that way, quiet and firm but that will only happen when he's asleep and the moment he'll wake up, he'll never shut up.

I finally head out for the door to run outside. The sun hasn't shown yet but it is not dark either. I started the timer on my phone to see how many minutes I will last before I finally stopped.

Because I am too focused at the timer, I never paid attention to any houses and didn't notice that I am no longer near the houses and much nearer to the woods. But I still know this place. I really hope I still do.

I glanced at the trees and inside the woods, it's been so long since I've been inside of it. But, my guts keep telling me to stay away from it and me being me, I decided to shrug it off and headed for it anyway.

Besides, who is here other than the myths that turn out to be real? For all I know, I might bump into one of the Cullen's, especially Emmett. They're probably already allowed to hunt here.

I've been running for two hours now and of course, I take a break each time.

And when I get back, everyone is already up and alive. I grabbed my laptop from my room and saw that Louise had sent me a new file.

Since it was already breakfast, I decided to do it while I ate.

"Look who's here!" Lizzie chirped. I narrowed my eyes at her, seeing she has her hand wrapped around someone when I realized it was Harold, her husband.

"OMG!" Mia screamed before running towards her lovely boyfriend, Greg. While her sister - being opposite to her - approached hers calmly without screaming and shouting.

"Why aren't you like that to me when I arrived?" Mateo teased when he saw them being so close and hugging each other and of course, kissing.

"Mera." Tom, Jen's boyfriend but now fiancee, greeted me. I gave him a smile and the others waved. We often hang out and every time we do, all they do is teased me all afternoon knowing I am the only one who is not in a relationship yet.

I turned my back on them and focused on my laptop to finish the file Louise sent me earlier.

"Samiela Rulin, will you marry me?" Greg asked, getting down on one knee. Mia gasp dramatically, hand on her mouth as she looked at her boyfriend but soon-to-be fiance if she said yes "Yes! Yes!" Mia jumped in happiness before holding out her hand so he could slip the ring onto her finger.

I laughed in joy as Greg slipped the ring onto her finger. Mia always dreamt of getting engaged and how would it feel like. It's like one of her fantasies and being a wife is one of them so I am glad she now has it since she always talks about how she felt like Greg would soon propose to her and she is indeed right.

And now she won't shut up about it.

We clapped at them, happy for the two newly engaged people. There's not many time people get engaged inside of this house. In fact, it seems like they are the first.

"Look, Mer! I'm engaged too! Just like you and Jen." Mia held out her hand and pointed at the diamond ring between her fingers.

"Hold on, young lady. Did you just say that Hemera is engaged?" Aunt Coraline slowly turned to me and I rolled my eyes as I shrugged. I guess I have to say it now.

"Wait, mademoiselle doesn't know you're engaged to Mateo?" Jen asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Actually, it's all an act to keep the suitors away." I let out a laugh to ease the awkwardness I am feeling while Mateo is sipping on his juice with no trouble "So I'm not really engaged and Mateo's not my boyfriend." I explained. Judging by their face, they understand why or maybe I am not really a good judger.

"Oh," Mia said, disappointed. Mia always dreamed of us four getting married. She is disappointed when Lizzie got married first and more disappointed now that she finds out I am not and I am single.

The girls and Mateo forced me to stop reading the file to celebrate and I couldn't refuse. So we headed to Port Angeles to celebrate their engagement and Jen's since we didn't have a proper celebration cause 'I am not feeling well' that day.

One of the reasons I said yes was because I knew someone will handle the girls if they got drunk and I can go home peacefully without someone puking at the back of my car.

But, I never wanted to go to port angeles but it's too late since I already said yes. Mateo rides with me and the others with their partners. I am their guide since the boys didn't know this town very well. I wondered how they find our house.

In front of the club where we went, I saw two teenagers and he called her madame as he opened the door for her, not knowing what does it even mean. She called him gentleman as she laughed.

She look so in love, so full of hope. I could see it in her eyes as she looks at him.

But they weren't there because they're in my mind and only a memory.

he called me madame when I am not married. I should have corrected him cause I will never be madame.

I tried not to think about it, but no matter what I do, my mind couldn't shut up about him as if life itself depends on it.

I tried to focus my mind on something else and watched the girls as they danced in the middle of the dancefloor, completely wasted. I wanted to be wasted and forgot everything, forgot him but I can't. Aunt Coraline would kill me cause I'm sure one of the girls will post our night out and Aunt Coraline will surely see it and I do not intend for that to happen.

But, I am still not at peace because Mateo got drunk and on the way home, he did everything but shut up. He blabbered and blabbered non-stop and it's making me want to throw him out of the car and leave him in the middle of the road and let someone take him home.

When I got home, all people in the house is already asleep so I decided to check on Aunt Coraline and found her awake and reading a book.


Mera literally every time somebody wouldn't shut up, especially Mateo:

Mera literally every time somebody wouldn't shut up, especially Mateo:

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