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Two weeks turned into two months, and two months turned into four.

All I needed to do is I do here, the business and everything. All because of Aunt Coraline.

I don't know what's gotten into her head that she decided to stay here for four months and she manage to convince the twins to have their wedding at the la push beach.

I'm Jen's maid of honor and Lizzie is Mia's.

It was a small wedding at the beach, the groom's and bride's parents and siblings are only there and the other people here were the O'Dells, the Cullens, and the pack.

The music started when two of the most beautiful brides showed up. Jen and Mia were holding each other's hand as they look ahead of them, to their soon-to-be husband. On their side is their parents who look proud of their girls.

I glanced at the grooms who is both crying by now. I laughed at them before handing them a handkerchief to wipe their salty tears "The hell are you crying?" I asked Mateo when I glanced at him and saw how tears poured out of his eyes.

"The girls are getting married." Mateo sobbed. I rolled my eyes at him. Over the months he's been with them, he slowly grew fond of them like the way they are fond of him even though they get to his nerves something the way he gets to mine.

The wedding ceremony went quickly and we proceed to the reception, which is our backyard that leads to the woods like the Cullen's backyard.

"It's time for your speech, Mera." Lizzie whispered to me after she was done with hers. I grabbed my champagne as I cleared my throat, almost stumbling because Lizzie's gown was on the way.

I stood in front of the mike. Oh, I hate speeches "First of all, congratulations to the two most beautiful girls I've ever met." I smiled as I look at the twins and saw them in awe while holding each other's hand
"The two of you were finally married, what a dream come true for the two of you." I let out a laugh.

I am happy for them, I really am. But, I wanted to keep my speech short so I turned to their now husbands.

In the middle of delivering my speech, my eyes found him and how his arm is wrapped around her and she was leaning on him. Like the way, I used to.

She's beautiful, couldn't blame him. My beautiful perfect older cousin. Everything my mother wanted me to be.

But, I am perfect too. The most perfect of them all. But, he still didn't and wouldn't choose me. Why? Why wouldn't he? I am perfect.

I said a few words about how I and the twins met and how we formed our bond before finally turning to their husbands "For the two gentlemen, never hurt my girls or I will hunt you down, mark my words." Everybody laughed at what I said as they shake their head.

"To the four of you." I raise my champagne before taking a sip and returning to my seat.

Everyone danced, including them but I am here, I don't know what to call it but even though I do, I wouldn't admit it to myself.

I was glancing at them each time as they slowly danced, holding each other's hand and whispering to each other's ear, making each other laugh.

"How many champagnes have you drunk?" Mateo asked as he sat beside me "I don't know you tell me." I laughed and shrugged. I heard him sigh and mumble something through the loud music though I don't really understand what he said.

"You smelled like champagne." He sounds like my father and them, always reminding me of something I already knew but, I didn't know I smell like champagne "I'm drinking one, aren't I?" I raise my glass at his face so he could see that half of the champagne is gone and I'm close to finishing it and getting another one.

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