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After that night, Aunt Coraline didn't speak to me about the things I said, she probably know I said it because I am drunk. But, I knew I said it not because I was drunk. Drunken thoughts are sober thoughts.

I dared to say it while I am drunk because if I regret it later, I can use the word 'I say it because I am drunk' and not when I am sober.

"Okay, what are you here for?" I asked the girls, arms crossed against my chest as I raise my eyebrows at them "Getting a divorce so soon?" I didn't mean to say it loud but I guess I couldn't help it.

"No! Not gonna happen." Jen shook her head as she looked at her sister and Lizzie "So what is it?" I asked impatiently.

"We're pregnant!" The three of them said in unison. My eyes slightly widened at the news. I hate kids but I guess, this is great. For them of course. They're happy and they always said happy wife, happy life.

"what about you Mera? Are you pregnant too?" Mia asked, smile widening "Hell the fuck no." I cursed. They knew how much I hated kids and they dared to ask if I'm pregnant. Did they forget that I'm not in a relationship? But, a woman can get pregnant even if she's not in a relationship through a one-night stand and I don't even go outside.

"She doesn't even have a sex life." Mateo joined, nudging me jokingly as he laughed "Fuck you." I grunted before pushing him off my bed.

The audacity of this boy.

Mateo groaned and laughed teasingly and got up to his feet "Let's celebrate then," I said "Shall we have a drink?" I offered as I held the champagne out to them "Mera, we're pregnant!" Lizzie exclaimed before giving me a soft slap on the shoulder.

"Not my fault." I shrugged.

The girls frown at me before storming out of my room. Is it my fault they are pregnant and not allowed to drink?

I rolled my eyes before walking towards the wardrobe, Mateo bumping intentionally into my shoulder to piss me off.

I rolled my eyes at him before started looking inside my wardrobe, looking for something to wear and I haven't seen a single one that matches the day. Maybe I should go to the mall and start shopping but maybe I'll end up purchasing the whole store again and after that, I will earn a lecture from Aunt Coraline.

My mother's sister, Aunt Lilian will be arriving today from New York. She's the one I've been told several times I looked like. Before Aunt Coraline decided to get me or Ada, she raised Aunt Lilian first but Aunt Lilian became a rebel and run away from France and continue to ruin her life when she married her now husband, according to Aunt Coraline.

I haven't seen Aunt Lilian since I was a little girl. She never really visited. I knew she and Mom had some kind of beef because when Mom and Dad are still together, my mother will always have disapproving look on her face whenever my father mentioned Aunt Lilian.

"One of the guys from the beach," Mateo spoke after a long time. I knew he was thinking something but I didn't expect it to be about them "What about them?" I asked, tapping my heels against the floor.

"One of them is your ex, isn't it?" The sound of heels tapping against the floor stopped and the room fell into silence

"Don't deny it," Mateo added. I haven't turned to face him yet, unable to look at him. I almost forgot though his dumb, he's smart even if it's not very noticeable to him.

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