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   You let out a loud laugh as you watch your daughter slam her plastic three wheel bike on the kitchen floor. She was almost two, and she is probably the most violent one year old you've ever met. But she knows what's wrong at what's right. You have two dogs, and whenever they fight, she yells stop and holds out her little hand.

She doesn't like seeing fights. Her cousins, who had just turned Seven and Nine, are always getting into small fights, and she hates it.

So, fighting is a no for the toddler, but she does enjoy banging her bike against the floor because it makes a loud noise.

You laugh as she shakes her head at the bike, trying to hold the camera steady for your husband. He made you promise to record basically everything she does while he's on his mission, and that's exactly what you've been doing for the last six months.

You let out a small sigh, rubbing over your pregnant belly before getting up and walking towards your daughter.

"Okay, Bee. That's enough. It's time to get you ready for a bath, hey?" You ask, and she looks up at you with a bright smile, making you smile right back. You pick her up and walk to the bathroom to run the bath. While the water is running, you use the time to undress the small baby before walking her back to the bathroom.

She squeels as she spots the water, her smile wide as you place her in, making you laugh.

"Such a water baby." You poke her cheek, pushing the blonde curves from her face.

Leons hair. She has his hair, his skin tone, his facial shape. All you got were her bright e/c eyes. You're hoping your son looks more like you, but you wouldn't complain if he didn't.

You wash the child, making funny faces to keep her entertained as she plays with the small bath toys. She laughs and begins slamming her hands in the water, making you gasp lightly as water gets all over you.

"Bee!" You yell, and she laughs, continuing to do it making you chuckle.

+ + +

   Bee was dressed in a onezie and running around the living room as you sighed. This girl will not go to sleep.

"C'mon baby." You mutter. "How are you not tired?" You ask, looking at the little toddler running around the room with a bright smile on her face.

She looks up behind you before running towards you and hiding in between your leg and the couch, her arm wrapping around your calf, making you frown and look behind you.

Leon stood there in his casual clothes, bags dropped to the floor with a smile on his face. You gasp, almost jumping off of the couch if it weren't for the little girl hiding by your leg.


He laughs before walking around and crawling onto the couch next to you, leaning forward and placing his lips on yours. You smile into the kiss, bringing your hand up to run through his hair.

He pulls away, making you frown lightly before he smiles and looks down at his daughter, who is still hiding her chubby face on the couch.

"Baby Bee." He whispers, moving her hair away from her face. Bee opens her eyes, looking up at her dad before quickly shutting her eyes and smooshing her face deeper into the couch, making you laugh.

"She gets really shy around males." You whisper, and he nods.

"Ahh." He says, understanding before he slides down onto the floor next to her, leaning back against the couch.

"Bee." He whispers lightly, poking her tummy. Bee giggles before moving away and hiding in your leg, making you smile.

Leon smiles brightly before grabbing the girl and pulling her to his chest, making funny noises as he rocks her around. You smile at the sight, Bee's laughs echoing through the room. It's been so long since you'd seen the two of them together. You're so happy he's finally back.

Leon laughs along with the girl before shuffling up to sit next to you, the baby slowly dozing in his arms.

"Wha-" You mutter, looking down at Bee, who slowly closes her eyes. Leon shrugs at you with a cocky smile.

"What can I say? I'm a pro." He smiles, and you laugh, pushing him slightly.

He smiles at you before removing a hand from his daughter and over to your baby bump, rubbing it slightly.

"Came back in time, huh?" He mutters, and you nod.

"He's due to pop out some time next month." You whisper, grabbing onto Leon's fingers. "How was the mission?"

Leon sighs, shaking his head. "I'm getting real sick of zombies and monsters." He mutters, and you shrug.

"I know, I don't miss it one single bit."

You used to be a special agent alongside Leon. You met him on his first day as a cop. You were higher in the ranks when he arrived, and you still remember the innocent Leon that walked through the door excited to help people. But that all changed in a matter of minutes, and it was only you, Leon, and a few others who made it out together.

But, things happen. Love happens. Eventually, you got pregnant. As soon as the two of you found out, Leon stopped you from doing anything, and everything involved with work. He didn't want you to get hurt, and you agreed because you didn't want to harm the baby.

Leon lets out a small breath, letting his daughter fall asleep on his chest before raising from the couch, helping you up before interlocking your fingers.

"She still in with us?" He asks, and you smile, tilting your head side to side.

"She has her own room, but she doesn't sleep in it. The bed is still in our room, and she sleeps in there, but she can sleep in bed with us if you want." You ask, and he nods with a soft smile.

Leon had been away from his girls for far too long. He was really starting to get sick of these long ass missions. He's thinking of completely leaving it all behind, but he knows he can't. He loves his job, and you know it. Which is why you don't complain. You knew that if you were in his position, you'd probably think the same.

Leon slowly lays Bee in the large bed before removing his jacket and shirt. You walk over to the drawers and pull out a pair of shorts for him, and he smiles, catching them as you throw them before getting changed as you climb into the bed.

Once he's finished, he carefully crawls into bed on the opposite side, Bee sleeping in the middle. He sends you a smile before leaning towards you, Bee at his chest.

You kiss his lips with a hum, you feel him smiling against you, making you smile back before the two of you separate.

"I missed you." You whisper.

"I missed you more, trust me." He whispers back, reaching over the baby to rest a hand on your stomach, cuddling Bee at the same time making you smile before you reach over to switch the light off.

You reach down and place your hand on Leon's, giving it a soothing rubber ore, closing your eyes, the comfort of your child and husband's breaths lulling you to sleep.


I dont really like this one :/

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