- Normal life -

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You wake to a hand resting on your hard stomach making you jump up with a small gasp.

Last you remembered, you went to sleep alone last night. Your head snaps in the direction, squinting through the darkness to see who it was before sighing as you notice a familiar blonde sleeping soundly in his usual spot next to you.

"Leon..." You smile, you move to wake him up but decide against it as you realize he was probably exhausted from his mission.

You look over to thr clock, reading the time.

6:48 am

Not your usual wake up time, but it was a pleasant surprise to wake up to your boyfriend after not seeing him for weeks.

You slowly and silently slip from the warmth of your fiancé, tiptoeing to the kitchen so you can make him a much needed and well deserved breakfast.

You get out some eggs, bacon and ingredients needed for pancakes before getting to work. You make the pancakes before scrambling the eggs and cooking the bacon.

Once it's all finished, you quickly clean up the mess and assemble the two plates making them exactly how the two of you like, giving Leon extra maple syrup on his pancakes because the mans obsessed with the sugary liquid.

While you're pouring on the maple syrup, you feel arms wrap around your waist, making you jump once more, a chin resting on your shoulder.

"Whatcha making?" A deep mumbles before you feel lips trail down your neck, making you sigh and lean back against his bare chest.

"Breakfast. Was gonna wake you up in bed with a plate." You say moving your hands down over his, rubbing against his bruised knuckles.

"How's mini us?" He asks, poking your belly slightly making you giggle.

"He's the size of a large apple." You smile, turning around to face Leon, looking over his more built figure, spotting the new scars along his abs, making you run your finger over them before trailing down to the waist of his sweatpants, pulling the strap and letting it slap back against his V-line.

Leon gives you a teasing stare, shaking his head and grabbing your hands.

"None of that." He speaks before gasping lightly as he realizes what you said, a bright smile covering his face, excitement clouding his eyes. "It's a he?"

You nod.

"Healthy little boy." You smile, looking back up into his baby blues.

Leon laughs in joy, picking you up and spinning you around, making you laugh, grabbing onto his shoulders to steady yourself.

"We have a son!" He smiles, grabbing onto your cheeks softly.

You smile brightly and nod, moving your hands up to push the hair from his eyes. "We do." You laugh.

Leon gives you a quick kiss on the lips before grabbing his plate and jogging over to one of the stools on the kitchen bench, sitting down with a hum.

"This looks delicious, Y/n." He says and you smile, grabbing your own plate and walking over to sit next to Leon.

Leon reaches over, grabbing onto the maple syrup. "Could use some more of this, though." He speaks and you laugh.

"Damn, Leon. You want some food with that syrup. You're gonna get diabetes." You say and he shrugs.

"Worth the risk."

You chuckle, shaking your head before taking a bite of your food.

+ + +

When the two of you are done, you gather the dishes and take them to the sink, beginning to wash them while Leon grabs a teatowel, waiting to dry them.

"So, when's you're next mission?" You ask, looking over at Leon sadly. You hated that he had to leave all the time, but it was his job. You weren't going to hold that from him.

Leon sighs, shaking his head.

"Never." He says, and your head snaps in his direction, silently asking him to continue.

"I don't want to do that anymore. I know how much it stresses you out. Me going out and risking my life against mutated animals and fucked up monsters. I don't want to do that to you anymore. Especially with the baby." He says, grabbing your hands and turning you to face him. "I want to stay here and look after you, and the baby. We haven't even gotten married yet because I've been out in the field. I just want a normal life. With you." He says, looking down at the engagement ring he put on your finger last year.

"Leon, it's fine. I'm fine. You don't have to leave what you love. Sure, I'll stress a little while you're gone. But I know you. And I know you won't die on me." You speak.

Leon shakes his head. "I love you more than my stupid job, Y/n. We have the money for me to stay. Plus, I already told the president." He says and you smile up at him.

"Are you really doing this?" You ask.

Leon nods.

"Absolutely. You're all the matters to me. And soon, I'll have more than just you to worry about. I wanna be here. For both of you." He speaks and you laugh happily, nodding.

"Alright, it's your choice." You say and Leon smiles, swirling up the teatowel before whipping your ass, making you laugh.

"Get to washing those dishes, woman." He speaks, making his voice deeper and causing you to laugh.

"Woman? Oh, you're in for it now Kennedy." You speak before grabbing some of the bubbles from the sink and shaving them against his bare chest, watching it roll down his abs.

"Dman." You mutter and Leon raises his eyebrow.

"Oh, you like that?" He smirks and you nod.


Leon chuckles and shakes his head before leaning down and kissing you, bringing you closer against him, getting your chest wet with his making you gasp and him laugh against you.

Leon Kennedy Imagines (Resident Evil)Where stories live. Discover now