- Saving her -

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CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, torture, Gore, swearing, murder, gun violence, and more.

   You let out a pained grunt, blood splattering from your mouth as you take another blow to the face, your head snapping to the side.

Your arms were chained above your head, your ankles tied together to the floor. Your body was in so much pain from the stretch. Your feet hadn't touched the ground in at least a day. They had you tied to a chair at the start, but when you successfully got yourself out of the chair and almost escaping, they hung you up.

The cold and dampness of the room wasn't helping either. You seemed to be in some underground cellar, and it smelt horrible. You could tell you haven't been the only person in this exact situation here before. Judging by the blood splatters everywhere, you're beginning to think you're the only one who's lived this long.

It had been non-stop torture. They'd run knives over your skin, tased you in the stomach, kicked, and punched you. And for what? Information. That's all. All they wanted to know was where the G-Virus was. But, you, being the stubborn and loyal person you are, kept your mouth shut.

"Where is it!" The man yells once more.

You lick the blood dripping from your lips, gathering it all in your mouth before launching it onto his face with a smirk.

The man grunts, wiping your spit from his fave before sending you a glare. His hand snaps in your direction, knuckles slamming against your ribs making you yell out and recoil as much as your tied arms and legs would let you, which wasn't much, making you look like a disfigured C.

"C'mon man, we don't want to kill her yet. She hasn't said anything." Another man says, and you nod in his direction.

"Yeah, what he said." You mumble, and the man in front of you rolls his eyes, shaking his head before storming towards the door.

"Tase her until she passes out. I need a drink." He mutters, and his men nod, grabbing to taser and walking over to you.

You shake your head, trying to move away from the man, but he just steps forward once and holds the taser gun towards your stomach, sending electrical volts through your body, making you seize in pain.

The man pulls the tase away to give you a short break, but that's all it was. Short. Five seconds before it was back on you and making you jolt around.

You let out a loud scream, liquid running down your face. Blood? Sweat? Tears? You couldn't tell anymore. It all felt the same, and everything was too blurred to see.

"Fuckin'," you gurgle out, shaking your head. "Stop." You don't know how much more you could take before passing out.

The man ignores you, tasing you once more and that's all it took for your world to turn dark, your head dropping forward roughly.

+ + +

   Leon slams his hand down on the table, everyone else in the room flinching as he does so, turning to him.

"Someone better find her or so help me, I will rip every one of your eyes out and shove it right down your fuckin' throats you worthless human beings." He growls, glaring at every single person in front of him.

Leon Kennedy Imagines (Resident Evil)Where stories live. Discover now