- Welcome to Raccoon City -

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CONTENT WARNINGS: Gore, death, gun violence, and more.

Set during the events of RE2.


You let out a soft sigh, shaking off the few remaining drops in the gas pump into the hole before closing it off. While doing so, your eyes look over to another person who pulls next to another pump, exiting their car.

You send him a friendly smile, and he sends one right back. You can't help but feel your heart beat rise slowly. This man was definitely a sight to look at. He didn't look that much older than you, maybe a year or two. But you just couldn't bring yourself to pull your eyes away from him.

"Hey, do you know where that cop is?" You hear him ask, and you hum, tilting your head before looking in the direction he was pointing. A cop car is parked just outside the entrance to the store, door wide open as if the policeman was in a rush.

"Probably inside, it was like that when I got here." You speak back, and he nods, looking at the car for a little longer before turning back to the gas pump.

You send quick glances his way, looking away every time his eyes move back in your direction as you make your way into the gas station to pay.

You look down as you near the door, frowning slightly as you spot blood splattered all over the concrete. Your head immediately snaps up and you reach for the gun in the back of your waistband, sending a quick glance over to the boy who was frowning at you, obviously too far to see what you were doing.

"Great," you sigh. "He probably thinks I'm scratching my ass or something." You mutter before stepping forward and slowly entering the shop.

The familiar bell dings through the empty store, and you frown at the unexpected darkness of the mini-mart.

"Uh...hello?" You ask, looking around.

You don't receive an answer, which only causes you to frown deeper. This was weird. First the blood, and now this? You step closer into the store, stopping when you hear what sounded like someone chewing on spaghetti with their mouth wide open.

You scrunch your nose up in disgust before slowly creeping around the corner, pulling your torch out to see better. A sharp gasp is pulled between your lips as you spot someone leaning back against the wall by the storage room door, panting heavily.

"Jesus christ." You whisper, covering your nose as a horid smell hits you like a ton of bricks. You quickly make your way over to him and kneel down, noticing the name tag on the man's shirt. He works here. Your eyes dart over his bloody body, looking at the worker in pity as his uneven breaths reach your ears.

"Sir, are you okay? What happened here?" You ask, looking around. Without speaking, the man lifts a shaky hand and points to the storage room that was left wide open, making you nod.

"Don't move. I'll be right back." You mutter before standing up and readying your gun, slowly entering the dark room. You begin to walk further into the room. The sound of a door shutting stops you in your tracks. Your head snaps back, and you see that the door had been closed from behind you, making you frown and walk back to it, banging on it a few times.

"Hey, man! What the hell?!" You ask before letting out an annoyed huff and stepping back, shaking your head. "Fucking bitch." You mutter. He probably just locked you in here with some sort of serial killer without a second thought.

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