Chapter 6 - The punishment

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Everyone is making a big deal of this. I lean against the wall outside of the dean's office. His assistant glances over at me before returning to whatever she's doing on the computer.

I made the mistake of telling Ellie about it all and she practically dragged me out of bed this morning to make sure I wouldn't be late.

I don't think I would have been late without her. All she did was make me early, so now I have to stand here and wait with nothing to do.

Ellie already lectured me about my future and how I need to stay at UNI and get my degree. As if a degree in media and communication is going to be the golden ticket to a happy life. I don't even know what I want to do anymore.

But Ellie isn't like me. She's uptight and serious. I suppose if this was a soap opera, I would be the evil twin. Unless evil twins always are identical. There is nothing identical between me and Ellie. From her dark hair and inability to play any sport to her love of old horror movies and ability to put what happened behind her, we're as similar as night and day.

But she's my sister, and she loves me. I know, because I've probably given her a hundred reasons to kick me out, and she still refuses to leave me.

Not that I want her to leave. She's the only family I have left. Apart from aunt Charlie, and aunt Charlie is not the family dinner type. So I need to stay close to Ellie. Which means I have to stay at UNI.

But how bad could it be? It's not like we broke anything or spray painted dicks all over the place. And Wes had a key. Or a card. Or a code. I'm not sure what he used to get us in.

I grab my phone and settle in to do some scrolling until I'm called inside. But I barely have my phone out before someone else appears.

Wes Porter looks like his pants are full of bees; angry and slightly anxious. But mostly uncomfortable. He walks straight up to the assistant and introduces himself. She gives him a small wave and tells him to wait.

I hold my breath as he turns around and spots me. His eyes narrow as he alters his course and homes in on me.

I smile. He does not smile back. But he comes close enough to tower over me. I have to bend my neck back to look up at him. With flats on, I barely reach his shoulder.

"What the fuck did you do that for?"

"Do what?" I hide the flutters in my stomach and the way my pulse just raced away and blink a few times at him.

"You know what you did. What I can't figure out is why you would do something so stupid."

He's close enough to bring back all the memories from yesterday. I move slightly and notice that he's turning me on. Just being this close to him is having an effect on me.

"You know you had it coming." I need to get away from him before I do something really stupid. I turn to pass him by, but before I can take three steps, he grabs my wrist and sparks shoot up my arm.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He pulls me closer to him and I stumble a bit.

"Mr Porter and Ms Bridges," the dean's assistant is pointing to the door.

"In the future," I yank my hand free and lower my voice, "perhaps you should think twice about leading people on. Especially people with crazy friends."

Satisfied with my cryptic comment, I walk through the door and steel myself, ready to meet my fate.

My smugness swiftly disappears as I spot the two men waiting for us inside. Instead, I feel like a naughty child called into the principal's office. Which I suppose isn't too far from the truth.

Just a Pucking Prank [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon