Chapter 31 - ...for the phone show❤️

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"Shouldn't you be happy?" JD asks and drinks from his beer. "We just won."

We're out celebrating at Lucky's. There is no game tomorrow, so for once we don't have to worry about staying out late or getting a bit drunk. None of us drink heavily during the season, but it happens that we have a few too many.

I sip my beer. "I'm fine."

"Oh, fuck," Liam says. "Why do you have your puppy love face on? Is this about Chloe?"

"What?" I frown at him and unlock my phone.

"What the fuck is a puppy love face?" Ethan asks.

"You know. The face you make when you're in love, but things aren't going well."

"It's not about Chloe," I say to nip the conversation in the bud.

"The hell it isn't," Ethan shakes his head. "You've been checking your phone every three minutes since we got here. You're supposed to be enjoying yourself."

I stare at the stalled text conversation.

You're making me starving too, looking like that. I could think of a thing or two I want to eat right now.

Was I too forward? Did I say something to turn her off? Fuck, I hope I didn't cross a line. But it's not that bad, is it?

I want to ask the others, but I can't. Because they can't know about her. I angle the phone away from them and study the photo she sent again. She's gorgeous in her white dress with her shoulders bare and that plump mouth smiling just for me. God, I hope that smile was for me.

I should apologize. I start typing, but stop. No. That might come off as desperate. I turn the screen off and sigh.

JD, Ethan, and Liam are all looking at me.


"Why the hell do you keep pining after her?"

My heart skips a beat. "I'm not... What?" How do they know?

"Dude, you've been hung up on Chloe for months." JD sighs. "You need to let her go and move on."

"It's not that," I say.

"Then what?"

I open my mouth, but no words come out. How do I explain, without telling them more than Lydia is comfortable with? I can't. So I close my mouth and let them think what they will.

"What if we find someone else for you?" Ethan says. "A rebound."
"I don't want a rebound."

"You might need one." JD is already looking around the bar for someone appropriate. "Come on." He grabs my arm and pulls me with him.

"I really don't need this," I say as he pulls me across the room to where two women are standing.

"Hi," JD says with his confident smile. "I'm JD, this is Wes."

The woman he's addressing does a flirty down-up-down-up study of him. Apparently, he passes the test.

"I'm Gia, this is Therese."

"So, Gia, do you go to UNI?" JD smoothly scooches her to the side, leaving me and Therese out of the conversation.

"I think I saw you play today," Therese says.


I have no interest in this woman. I'm sure she's lovely, but all I want is to get out of here.

My phone buzzes just as she's asking me a question and I don't even pretend to listen to her. I fumble it out of my pocket. And curse. It's not from her. It's my uncle congratulating me on another victory and telling me not to celebrate too wildly.

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