Chapter 30 - Getting ready...

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We've barely landed in Antigua and I'm already checking my phone.

The entire ride to the hotel, I was trying to get excited about our weekend away. The blue water and green rainforest fascinated Trisha and Pres. I smiled and played along, but something is missing.

The hotel itself is beautiful. And the staff welcoming. Of course, we get special treatment, including one of the most beautiful bungalows with views of the water. It pays to know the owner's daughter.

Every time we travel to one of the hotels Pres' dad owns, we get welcome baskets and the best rooms. The staff keeps an eye out for us and whenever we ask for anything; we get it. No matter how unreasonable.

Today is no exception.

"This is nice," Pres says and inspects the room.

"I love this bed." Trisha has claimed a bedroom and is spread out on the luxurious white cover.

"Let's go to the beach." Pres is already taking out the sunscreen. "I've been dreaming of warm sand for months."

"Yes," Trisha is up and moving. "I bought a book to read."

"You don't read," I say.

"I might be a reader," she finds the novel and looks at it with curiosity.

"Last time you picked up a book, you fell asleep before the end of the first chapter."

"Oh, yeah." She looks off into the distance dreamily. "That was such a good nap. But I think I just chose the wrong book."

"Wasn't it a murder mystery?" Pres asks and spreads out sunscreen on her arms.

"Exactly," Trisha says. "Who cares if some old guy dies?"

"So what's this one?" I take a look at the book cover. It's a cutesy, cartoony picture of two people.

"This is about a billionaire falling in love with his nanny."

Pres hands me the bottle of sunscreen and I diligently start applying it.

"Sounds just as dull," Pres says. "You should try something with more action. And dragons."

I roll my eyes. "Not every book needs dragons."

Pres only shrugs. She doesn't read contemporary. But give her a book with vampires or fae and she will have it devoured in a day.

"Let's bring a snack," Pres says. "I'll call and have them arrange a picnic basket for us. Give them a chance to impress us." She's already moving away to make the call.

"I should hang some of my things," I say and hand Trisha the sunscreen.

I find my room and close the door. It's a comfortable room. Beautiful even. Through a window, I can see the ocean.

Choosing an angle that includes the water in the background, I lean back on the bed and take a few selfies. After picking the best one, the one where I look happy and not at all like I miss him, I send it to Wes.

Sucks to be you. Some of us are living it up in a bungalow on the beach. ;)

I only hesitate for a moment before sending it. We haven't been texting each other much. I don't know if Wes isn't a texter or if he just has no interest in communicating with me except for when we're having sex.

I bite my lip. It's Friday afternoon. We skipped a couple of classes to get a full weekend here. Wes might still be in class. Or at hockey practice. No. He has a game tonight. Maybe he's preparing for that?

When there's no reply, I sigh and change into a more beach friendly outfit. I put my phone and more sunscreen in a bag and hit the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"They're bringing it down to the beach," Pres says. She and Trisha have also changed and together we head out to enjoy the sun.

I almost forget about Wes. Almost. We have our little picnic and make fun of Trisha for falling asleep again. I guess books just trigger her nap reflex.

As dinnertime approaches, we head back to get dressed so we can try the hotel restaurant. As I'm picking out shoes, my phone finally buzzes.

Looks amazing. Meanwhile, I'm freezing my butt off on the ice.

He's taken a selfie as well. He's on the ice in full hockey gear, holding up the v sign. In the background is the final score of the game. They won.

I take another selfie of myself in my white off the shoulders dress, ready to go to dinner.

Congrats. I'm headed out to dinner. Keep your fingers crossed the food is good, because I'm starving.

I finish my make-up and hair while I wait for a reply.

"Lydia? Are you coming?" Trisha calls from the front room.

"Coming," I grab my purse with a last look in the mirror and hurry to meet up with them. It's not until I'm sitting at the table that I realize I left my phone in the room.

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