chapter 3

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Chelsey's POV

we got home around 10 pm and i went to the fridge straight away cause i was so thirsty. i still lived with my dad as i'm still in school. i am studying to be a sports interviewer cause i always dreamed of interviewing the soccer players after games. especially the ones i looked up too. but now if i got the job i'd have to interview christian and mason, which i think would be extremely funny to us.

i ran upstairs and took a shower and plopped on my bed as i facetimed my best friend alyssa. she didn't answer the facetime the first time but she answered the second time.

"this better be important cause i just paused my netflix for you." she said with a sarcastic voice

"it is it is i promise"

"fine. spill."

i went on to tell her about the whole incident with that boy.. what's his name? pedri? that doesn't matter. "...and yeah. but i just can't stop thinking about him. I DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME!!"

"what'd he look like? blonde hair blue eyes surfer boy?? 😏😏"

our types were completely different it was funny. "actually no he was brunette, brown eyes, and he looked muscular so he might be athletic"


"shut up"

we talked for the next two hours and it was 12 am now. at this point i was exhausted so i told her i will text her in the morning. i shut all the lights off and fell asleep.

*the next morning*

i ran downstairs to see my dad packing a suitcase full for what looked like would prepare him for a month.

"um dad?"

he looked up at me and replied, "my boss called in. i have to leave for 4 weeks for my job. i'm so sorry for the short notice"

"when are you leaving?"

"well my flight is at 4 so i will have to leave in like a few hours."

it was now 8 am, and i wasn't really bothered. i was more stressed to find a place to stay cause i absolutely hated staying home alone. maybe i'll call mason.

"oh ok, tell me if you need anything"

"thank you chels!"

i ran upstairs to text mason


mase 💙

morning mase 🩷

goodmorning stink,
everything okay? you
never text me this early?

well my dad has to
leave for 4 weeks for
his job, and i was
wondering if by any
chance i can stay with you
until he comes home?? if not
then it's totally fine.

of course, i actually just
got the guest bedroom
remodeled so it'll be perfect.
just let me know when!!

he actually leaving at 4 so
i'll probably drop him
off at the airport
around 2:30 and
come by then, if that's

yeah that's actually great,
my parents are over right
now but they're leaving
at 1:30, i'll see you then!!

thank you so much
mase, means a lot 🩷

of course, anytime for
you stink 🩵


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