chapter 39

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Chelsey's POV

"excuse me?" joao replied

"you're excused, now excuse your way away from us, thank you" gavi said back, with sass

"i don't know who you think you are punk"

before gavi could respond, joao's coach called him over and he walked away from us immediately

"what was that about?" he asked me

"ask yourself"

"why were you talking to him"

"cause i'm allowed to talk to boys"

"ok yeah but you're here for me"


"you're not gonna go talking to other boys when ur here for me"

"okay dad"

"don't pull that dad on me"

"too late"


"okay like your whole team is in the locker room, go. goodluck"

"thanks chels"

i winked and he ran down the tunnel

"umm" i heard lyss mumble


"he was soooooo hitting on you"

"who, joao?"

"no stupid, gavi"

"yeah okay"


"quiet down"

"okok sorry"

he did say to me once that he didn't like seeing other boys hands on me... can she be right?

a few minutes passed and the team just got on the field, and the whistle was blown

the team started off strong but it seemed that joao was an offensive threat, which scared me

but i mean we have araujo and ter stegen back there, we're secure

it seemed like gavi was lacking a little bit but he might just be tired.. i feel bad for staying out with him that long knowing it was a match day. maybe he was right about not wanting a girl in his life because of distractions from football

Gavi's POV

i was having a terrible game cause all i was trying to do was worry about joao, when he wasn't even playing near me

i was so out of position because of that


the half time whistle was blown and we went down to the locker room

the score was still 0-0 and this team was always tough to beat

xavi gave his speech and came over to me after, "remember what i told you at practice, stop lacking gavi."

"i'm sorry coach" i replied

he nodded and patted me on the back

we came back onto the field and begun

this half, joao was playing near me and i feel like i was just worrying about him to the point i didn't care where the ball was, my eyes were on him.

we were pushy whenever near each other and it wasn't a good look

finally, he was dribbling straight towards me, looked like a 1v1. until....

i saw pedri sprinting and slid tackle him right in the ankle

holy shit that looked like it hurt. i thought i'm supposed to be the one mad at me

he went down to the floor grabbing his ankle and groaning in pain as the referee gave pedri a yellow card

the medics came out and eventually took him off the field as it was most likely a minor injury

i saw pedri come over to me and whispered, "he's off the field now. no more excuses, pick it up and play better"

this is what i mean when i say he reads me like a book

Chelsey's POV

that tackle looked horrible, i really hope gavi didn't say something to pedri causing him to get mad

as joao was being brought of the field i saw pedri whisper something to gavi, then gavi put his head down and walked away

this is weird?

the game continued and it was the 74th minute, still 0-0

this game was really important to both teams, it was a championship for some tournament, i'm not sure which one

heads turned as pedri had a break away, everybody thinking it was a 1v1 on the keeper until gavi made a beautiful run on the wing

he made the pass to gavi and he had the shot, and... it went in!!!

everybody cheered, me and alyssa jumped out of our seats causing our popcorn to fall all over the place as we laughed, "oops" i said as i shrugged sarcastically

i saw gavi and pedri celebrating in the corner with their team

once they were done with their celebrations, i saw gavi look at me, he smiled then ran back to his position. why is this man so good at giving me butterflies


next chapter will prob be written tmr cause it's gonna be good and i'm excited to write it 🤗

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