chapter 69

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Chelsey's POV

we arrived at the stadium an hour and a half before kickoff and the stadium was PACKED with crowds of people

"this is why i wanted to leave esrlier" i said, getting out of the car that i just parked in the vip parking

"vip parking? fancy" jack said, also getting out of the car

"gavi got us vip passes"

"awwww" jude said with a straight face getting out of the back seat, clearly not having it

"tf is up with the attitude" i started walking

"you locked the car and i was still in the back" he complained, following me and jack

"you can unlock it from the inside dumbass" jack said laughing

"well i couldn't find the lock" jude mourned

"sounds like a you problem" i said, dabbing jack up


"hi, which way is to vip 113-c?" i asked the security guard at the main entrance

"can i get your name?" he asked

"chelsey, chelsey taylor. and this is jack grealish and jude-"

"i know them" he laughed

"YOO SONNYYYY" jack hugged the security guard

"my mannnn" jude hugged him also

when they were done talking, the guard turned to me, "you guys could follow me now"

i nodded and looked to them confused as they were just whispering and giggling


"where are we?" i asked them, confused where the guy just left us

"the locker rooms, follow us" jude told me

i followed with my head down to my phone

they stopped and i shortly stopped myself behind them

it took me a second to look around before a felt arm around neck, "CHELLOOOO!!!!" a familiar voice yelled in my ear

i turned to see pablo, "PETTY PABLO!!!" i hugged him

"i missed you, they wouldn't let me talk to you at the restaurant" he frowned

"i missed you too"

he smiled, "oh and gavi was looking for you by the way" he told me, smirking

"where is he?"

"around that corner" he pointed to the wall

"okay, i'll be back"

he nodded

i walked in the direction he told me to meet with gavi's back from a distance

i crept up on him slowly and quietly and his head was down to his phone

i saw pedri walking towards me from the other way and he was about to yell something but i put my finger over my mouth

gavi picked his head up from his phone to see pedri and started to walk over, still not noticing i was behind me

pedri and gavi met and i heard them talking, since i wasn't too far behind

"have you seen chels yet?" gavi asked

"no i haven't why"

"i need to see her before the game"

pedri laughed

"what?" gavi asked

"nothing, i'm sure she'll show up any moment now" pedri winked at me, without gavi seeing that he winked

i took the signal and ran from behind and jumped on gavi's back, "PABSSSSS!!!!" i yelled

he put his hands under my thigh so he could carry me, "CHELS!!!" he yelled, and i could hear his smile

i got down from his back and gave him a huge hug, "you guys aren't warming up?" i asked, after we both pulled away from the hug

"we had a training, right now is our snack break and then we start warmups" gavi explained

"oh damn that's a lot"

"it's not too bad" he laughed

"okay i'm gonna leave you two lovebirds, i'll be in the locker room gavi" pedri patted gavi back walking away

"bye pedri, good luck!!" i yelled

he smiled and waved, "thank u!"


me and gavi talked for a bit before xavi called him to head back to the locker room

"i don't wanna go" he said

"why not?"

"i don't wanna leave you"

"awww that's sweet but you can see me after the game" i smiled

he stayed silent, holding eye contact with me

"yes?" i laughed

"you're just really pretty" he had a soft smile

"okay okay pabs you need to go"

"a kiss for good luck?" he asked, still locking our eyes

i smiled and didn't say anything before leaning in for the kiss

he put his hands on my waist and i put my hands on his neck as i was on my tippy toes

we both pulled away after a few seconds and smiled, looking into each others eyes

"good luck pabs, you'll do great" i smiled, hugging him

"thank you chels, i'll see you after the game"

i nodded and he walked me back to jack and jude before going into the locker room

"hey guys!" i said to jack and jude

they stared at me, jude's mouth slowly opening

"what's wrong? is there something on my face?" i started to pull out my phone

i opened my camera app and saw that my lipgloss was messed up, "fuck you both" i said, reaching into my purse to find a tissue to touch it up

"damn you guys really got into it" jack laughed

"it was a kiss, not a makeout sesh" i said, looking into the camera on my phone and wiping the lipgloss around my lips off

"mhmmmm" jude sarcastically said, with his arms crossed of course

"is chris and mase coming out?" i asked, putting the stuff back into my purse before looking back up at them

"yeah they're on their way here" jack replied

i nodded, and we waited patiently for them


in honor of chapter 69 i would like to say that this story will NOT include smut because who tf do u think i am writing all that

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