chapter 51

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Chelsey's POV

gavi and vini's incident wasn't my biggest concern right now because i really had no idea what i had to do this interview

the set up was already done and i was waiting for pedri

he came over and the cameraman gave us the green light to start

"hello pedri! you played excellent today and received man of the match, which was well deserved"

"thank you ch- ma'am"

i almost laughed because he isn't supposed to really know me and he almost just say my name

"i have a few questions for you, starting with how do you feel about the game?"

"i think we did really well as a team today, defensively and offensively. we shut down their forwards and were attacking with purpose"

i nodded, "how do you feel about the goals today?"

"i think the header of gavi's was beautiful, and started with an amazing play. i think the ball may have knocked some common sense into him too," we both laughed," i think my goals also started from really nice plays. my first started with gavi beating players 1v1, than passing to me which left me with one defender to beat. and the second, i feel like i read the pass really well and quick enough to intercept"

"last question today, if you had to share this award with someone today, who would it be? and why?"

"i think i would have to say gavi because not only did he score, but he also started the play to the second goal, putting us in a big lead"

"thank you pedri, and congratulations on your win and award"

"thank you ma'am"

i nodded, "you guys are good to go" the camera man said



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@chelseytaylor got to interview pedri today 🎸


@pablogavi why that emoji
      ^^^ @chelseytaylor it just felt right

@alyssalopez so proud of you
      ^^^ @pedri thank you
@alyssalopez i was talking about chels

@pedrifan_927 woah 😍😍😍


Mason's POV

chris was over now and chelsey was still just finishing up

we were trying to plan her surprise birthday party

"okay so here's the list so far.. us, gavi, pedri, ferran, eric, ansu, ale, pablo, jude, jack, kai, ben, kepa, phil, declan, reece, marcus, conor, alyssa, and we'll find out if she has any friends from class" i said


"i'm gonna text gavi first"


pedri gave me his number so i could text him a while ago but i never really needed to


pablo gavi

it's mason

hey, what's up?

are you free september 3rd?

i'm coming home from vacation that
day, if u need me earlier i can book an
early flight

yeah it's chelsey's birthday, and me
and chris were planning a surprise party

okay yeah, the flight is 3 hours so
i'll book it for 1?

sounds good

got it, your house?


okay i'll be there


"alright he can come" i told him

"okay good"

we texted everybody else and everyone was good, and if not, they cleared their schedule for her


"i'm home!!!" chels yelled out, walking in through the front door

"hey pretty!" chris said

"sometimes i think you just forgot my name"

"no, it's chels, duhhhh"

she laughed, "hey chels, how did it go?"

"it was good, vini's interview was a bit awkward after saying that he was mostly looking forward to seeing me there to watch, but pedri's went good"

"you interviewed pedri?" i asked

"yeah, one of the girls left so i had to take her spot. anyways i'm gonna go shower and wait for my instructor to email me saying if she'll put me in for the job or not"

"ok, she probably will" i said

"hopefully!" she yelled, running upstairs

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