chapter 15

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Chelsey's POV

a few minutes later mason arrived and i said nothing as i got into the car. he handed me his phone that was connected to the car so that i can put on music

i started playing The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift because that's just how i felt right now. mase didn't even ask about what happened because he knows me and knows i would want to wait until tomorrow to talk


i went upstairs and washed up and did my skin care. it was only 8:00pm so i didn't go to bed yet

i went downstairs and mase was there, "can i tell you about it now? i don't want to wait until tomorrow"

"yeah of course"

i sat down at the island with him as we ate grapes out of a bowl

"so i got there like a few minutes early and he wasn't there but i wasn't like thinking anything of it cause he could've just been running late but then before i knew it, it was half an hour later and i realized i was getting stood up. i really shouldn't care thought because we're literally nothing so i'm just getting emotional and i am just being overdramatic it's nothing and-"

"chels. relax. you're not being overdramatic, he was a bitch to do such a thing. you're worth more than that and you deserve a man who will treat you better. im gonna make cookies, do you want to help?"

"thank you mase, and i'll never say no to making cookies" we both laughed. im so glad i have mason in my life

we baked sugar cookies and started decorating them with icing. he made a big one and was writing something on it with icing but wouldn't let me see

he finally showed me and it said "gavi" with a big red x on it, "okay mason" i rolled my eyes sarcastically

"what i thought you'd like it"

"sure i love it"

"i wont let that punk hurt you again"

we put the left overs in the cabinet and went back up to our rooms. tomorrow was mason's surprise party and i still didn't know how i was gonna keep him occupied


i woke up before mase as always and got ready for the day. i just put a cropped top and sweats on and put my hair in a messy bun with only mascara on. it was the morning so i planned on actually getting ready later

i walked down the hallway to his room and shook him lightly, "wake up birthday boy"

he groaned as he turned over and said "can my birthday gift be letting me sleep in?"

"ahaha! no."

"but whyyy"

"cause we're going to a club later, get up"


i just made that up but i guess it's a good excuse to keep him out and to actually get ready for the party. it's gonna be kinda weird going to a club in the afternoon but it's the only place to dress the same as i would for the party

i went downstairs and made both of us breakfast and put a candle in his pancake stack, "MASE COME DOWN!!!"

"okay okay jeez"

he came down and saw the candle and started laughing, "HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!"

"thanks stink" he laughed and blew out the candle

"did you make a wish?"

"yes i did"

we ate breakfast today and i told him how we're gonna go to the club and then go to the beach after

"first off, why are we going to the club so early and second why would we go to the beach in club outfits?"

"idk but i guess we'll stand out"

"you have a point"

it was 1:45 now and i had to have him out of the house before 2:30 until 5:30. so i told him to get ready. i got dressed in this really cute fit and told him i'll be in the car, i also brought my bathing suit for the beach

he finally came down and he was dressed appropriately for the party thank goodness. "beach or club first?"

"whatever you wanna do, it's your birthday"

"let's do the beach so we don't drown cause we're drunk!!"

"good thinking, did you bring your bathing suit?"

"of course i did"


we arrived at the beach and it was crowded today since it was beautiful out. we were putting down a blanket and our bags as my phone vibrated


Pablo Gavi

can we talk?


i decided to not open the notification because i didn't want me being emotional to ruin masons birthday, so i also didn't tell him about it

i took my clothes off since i had my bathing suit under and we ran into the water together

it was literally freezing but that never stopped us from going in. when we went to the beach when we were kids we would always play volleyball in the ocean, and good thing he brought a blow up ball

"birthday boy gets first serve" he said with a smirk

"ughh fine"

we played for the next 45 minutes with little breaks in between. "WAIT I NEED TO POST FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY"



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went to the beach today so i thought this was the perfect throwback to post. happy birthday to my best friend ❤️ @masonmount

thank you stink, even though i'm right next to you rn
              when he calls her stink🥺
it's his birthday?

my son is growing up so fast😔
we're the same age...

Punk - Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now