chapter 54

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Chelsey's POV

"what r u plans today?" he asked me, as i was making an egg in the kitchen

"i'm going shopping"

"that's new"

"was feeling different today" he laughed and turned his head back to his phone

"when do you guys play barcelona again? i ask, flipping the egg on the pan

"probably a little bit after your birthday, but they're supposed to post the date for that game today"

"ok all i want for my birthday is for u guys to win"

"not gavi? and all of ur barca friends?"

"i got that chelsea blood" i said, just finishing up cooking my breakfast

"well i mean u were named after the club, so it makes sense"

" yeah, that reminded me.. i should call my dad soon"

"i talked to him yesterday actually" he said turning to me, smiling

"oh yeah? about what?" i asked with an expression on my face

"he just asked how football is going"

"why is he talking to my best friend more than me he hasn't texted me at all"

he laughed and got off the couch, "cause we both know i have always been the parents favorites"

"your parents liked me more, mine liked you.. it doesn't add up"

he walked over to the kitchen with me, "you're right" he said taking a piece of my toast

i gasped, "u bitch"

he winked

i walked around the kitchen island to where the seats were and sat down

"who r u going shopping with?" mase asked, also taking a seat next to me

"pablo and ale" i said, getting up to go get a water

"no gavi?"

"no why"

"just wondering"

i sat back down and finished my toast, "hope you didn't want any" i got back up to throw it out

he laughed and got up from the island

"i'm gonna start getting ready upstairs, come up with me so i have company" i told him, starting

"cant you facetime someone"

"why do that when i don't have to" i grabbed his hand and brought him upstairs with me


i went into my closest and picked out two shirts, i was already wearing the jeans that i was planning to wear

"which one with these jeans?" i asked, holding both of them up

he pointed to the light blue one in my right hand, "you could use your words buddy"

"the light blue one"

"okay, thank you"

i went into my bathroom and changed into that light blue cropped top that mase picked out

i looked in the mirror and saw it didn't match, so i wore the purple one i had in my other hand instead

i walked out of the bathroom and he looked up from his phone, "like what even was the point of asking me"

"it didn't match, i'm gonna stick to asking chilly"

"mate what i bet if u asked him, he would say the blue one too"

"you bet?"

"five dollars"

"okay deal"

i took out my phone and texted be


chilly 🥶

*3 attachments*
which shirt with those jeans 

the purple one cause the blue
doesn't match with that shade
of jeans

thanks chilly, u just made mason
owe me $5


don't worry about it



i turned my phone to mase, and held my other hand out signaling to give me the money

he sighed and reached into his pocket, "well he like modeled for nike so he knows that kind of stuff that's no fair" he said, still handing me the $5 bill

"alright bud" i said, walking over to my vanity

he stayed sitting on the edge of my bed, but he put his phone down. finally.. i feel like he was on it the whole day today


i was finishing up my daily makeup while arguing with mase about whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not, it doesn't.

"it literally doesn't" i yelled back at him, while applying my lipgloss

"they literally just fit, like it's two puzzle pieces clicking"

"you're actually disgusting"

"you just have no taste, especially in guys"

"okay mr 'operation pablsey', you cant be talking when u have a whole operation on us working out"

"so what, a guy can't want their bsf to be happy?"

i spinned around to face him on my spinny chair, "you cant gaslight the gaslighter" i said getting up from the chair

i went over to my dresser and picked out some jewelry to wear and then sprayed my door perfume, then turned around to see mase on his phone once again

"dude ur eyes r like glued to ur phone today"

"i'm waiting for them to post the date for the second leg of the champions league" he said looking up, "silver jewelery?"

"matches with the outfit better" i smiled, "how did you even recognize that"

"you've been wearing gold since you ever started wearing jewelry in 3rd grade"

"guess it just stayed with me" i said, picking up my phone and wallet from the dresser, "they're here" i said walking out of my room

"bye be safe, text me if u need anything" he followed behind

"got it!!" i yelled out from the other room

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