chapter 10

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Chelsey's POV

i went downstairs to back to mase and chris. i asked if they were able to give me a ride as me and lyss are gonna meet at the local coffee shop.

"hey can one of u give me a ride to the coffee shop? i'm going with lyss" i asked

"we're in the middle of something" mase said

"bruh you play fifa everyday can you just give me a ride?"

"cant you just walk?" mase replied

i rolled my eyes and stormed out of the house. what is wrong with them they never decline to give me a ride..

the coffee shop was like a 15 minute walk and lyss was already there waiting for me.



where are you?

sorry i'll be there in 10,
i couldnt get a ride so
now i have to walk 🙄

omg if i knew i
would've picked you
up, sorry i'll see u in
a few

it's ok thanks


i continued walking as i saw a car pull up to me in the corner of my eye. i started speed walking cause there is no way i'm tryna get kidnapped today.

they rolled down their window and i heard this farmiliar, deep voice. it belonged to pedri.

"you know it's not safe to be walking the streets of london alone"

i turned to him, "how is your wonderful words of advice going to help me in this situation?"

"i can give you a ride? where are you headed off to?"

"i'm going to meet with my friend lyss at the coffee shop, if you can give me a ride that'd be wonderful"

"hop in!"

i got in his car and he was listening to music. it was spanish, so i don't know what he was listening to. this also made me question what he was doing in london during season.

"so what brings you here to london?"

"actually, i don't want to talk about me. i wanna talk about you"

"what is there to talk about me"

"you and pablo..."

"what about us? we never even had a full conversation, i don't know what you're saying"

"come on i see the way you guys look at each other, if i give you his number will you give him a text sometime?"

"maybe, maybe not"

before i could go on he gave me a piece of paper with pablo's number on it. still doesn't explain why pedri asked for my number and never texted me

we finally arrived to the coffee shop after a awkward 5 minute drive. "thank you for the ride, it means a lot to me"

"anytime, i'll see you around" he said with a wink

ugh i don't want to make the first move, i really don't.

i walk in to see lyss waiting at a table alone. i rushed over to her and sat down as quick as i could cause i was eager to catch her up

i told her all about the banquet, and obviously had to tell her about the awkward car ride i had to experience

"holy shit are you gonna text him?" she asked me


"why not?"

"cause im too scared"

"come on you're literally the prettiest girl ever"

"not happening"


"okay whatever we're done talking about me, let's talk about you"

she went on to tell me about this new boy she was talking about and the job offers she has been getting. i was so happy for it cause i knew she always wanted to be a model, and now it's finally slowly coming true

as i went to congratulate her i was interupted by a ding coming from my phone. "sorry i just have to look at this real quick"

i flipped my phone over to see a text from an unknown number, which looked oddly familiar. i pulled out the piece of paper pedri had given me in the car and the two numbers matched. it was pablo.



"pablo texted me."

"omg let me see"

she read the message to herself with a confused face, "why did he literally just text you, 'hey' ew that's an ick"

i was honestly wondering the same thing. cause if pedri never gave me that number, i would've instantly blocked him.

what do i text back?

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