chapter 17

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Chelsey's POV

i woke up with a pounding headache. i rolled over and i saw mason sleeping next to me, shit. drunk words are sober thoughts

i got out of bed and walked downstairs to the medicine cabinet. i took an advil and looked in the fridge if there was anything to eat

there was literally nothing so i was just going to eat the cookies we made yesterday

as i was opening the container they were in i saw the cookie mase made on top with gavi's name and an x over it

"fuck i forgot to text him back"

Gavi's POV

i woke up and went downstairs to the living room where all the boys were. i live with pedri, balde, pablo torre, ansu, ferran, and eric and they usually all wake up before me

"playing fifa without me is crazy"

"sleeping beauty is awake" ferran said

"gavi it's literally 1:00 pm" pedri told me

"really? i didn't notice" i replied

"wonder what happened on that date where you slept in that long for the last two days" pedri joked

"i didn't go"

pedri turned around with a confused look, "why?"

"it was my evaluation with laporta today, about that did you guys do yours yet?"

"with laporta??" eric questioned

"yeah.. is something wrong?"

ansu said, "evaluations aren't until the end of the season... and they're with xavi"


"did you at least tell chelsey you weren't gonna be able to make it?"

"ohh so that's what the girls name is" balde smirked

pablo torre hit him, "not the time bud"

"no, he would let me use my phone because something about not letting information get out, i'm not really sure. i tried texting her after so i could apologize but she never replied"

"she was out with all the chelsea and england boys yesterday, i think for masons birthday" pedri said

"she's friends with mason?" i asked

"yeah, like best friends" pedri said

"fuck" i replied

"what?" they all said

"i'll be back, i'm going upstairs" i explained

long story short, the chelsea teams staff has never been on good terms at all with laporta. something in the champions league, i wasn't on the team yet, but something big happened leading them to absolutely hate eachother. now i'm starting to think they overheard me and pedri...

as i got in my room my phone buzzed, it was chelsey.



can we talk?

about how you
stood me up? yeah

listen, it's not what
it seems like

to me, it seems like
i should've listen to
what everybody said
about you

what did people
say about me?

that you're the
punk of barcelona.

chelsey listen, let
me explain

no i've wasted enough
time with you


Chelsey's POV

i said what i needed to say i shouldn't feel bad

i heard mason walking downstairs, "goodmorning chels"

"goodmorning" i didn't look away from the texts

"what's wrong?"

"nothing" i put my phone down

"let me see your phone"






i showed him the texts, "was i too mean?"

"he deserves meaner, text him randomly saying fuck you"

"mason i'm serious"

"fine fine, maybe you should let him explain. not right now, but when the time is right."

"yeah you're right"

he hugged me and kissed my head, deja vu...

the doorbell rang and i opened the door to see chris there

"CHRIS I MISSED YOU" i jumped on him

"chels i saw you yesterday"

"i know but i missed you"

"are you like not hungover" he put me down

"well i was"

"ur so cute"

"ur so hot"

"get a room!" mason yelled from the kitchen

i winked at chris, like i said, these jokes will never go further than just jokes. we are just close like that

"hey chels i forgot to ask you, how'd your date go with that kid?"

"he didn't show up"


"he just wasn't there, he texted me asking to talk and i never let him explain"

"oh i'm sorry about that"

"it's fine. i might go to the beach with lyss later, do you guys want to come?"

"cant say no to the beach" chris says

"im in" mase adds


Punk - Pablo GaviOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora