chapter 26

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Chelsey's POV

we got back to the house and i saw a car pulling out of the driveway, "who was that? did you see"

"no but it kinda looked like pedri's car, i don't think he would be here though"

"me neither"

we got out of the car and went upstairs, "mase we're here!!!"

he came out of the kitchen, "oh hey guys, my family is coming at 5:30 instead of 4 if that's ok"

"yeah that's fine" i siad

"and chris is coming over until then"

"okay, we'll be in my room"

he nodded and we went upstairs to my room, "please do not mind if it's a mess, and don't be surprised if it is"

"trust me my room is probably worse"

i laughed and opened the door to a neatly cleaned room, "it's not bad at all what are you talking about?" he said

"oh i guess i cleaned it i cant even remember"


Mase 💙

thank you

for what

cleaning my room

i didn't


you probably did and forgot

yeah maybe


"your room kinda reminds me of pedri, he has like strong ocd so he doesn't let it get disorganized"

"yea... ha" i looked around and noticed that things weren't where i'd usually put them

*flashback to an hour before*

Pedri's POV

"im gonna hop in the shower, i'll be out in a few" mase said


i looked around the house and saw a closed room

i opened the door and it was a big mess, it had makeup on the counter and all girls clothes, so i assumed it was Chelsey's room

maybe i should clean it for her before pablo comes over...

it was fifteen minutes later and mase got out of the shower

the bathroom was right across the hallway so he saw me cleaning it, "that's nice of you" he said

"i think my ocd got the best of me" i replied, standing in the extremely neat and organized room

*flashback over*

Chelsey's POV

"what do you wanna do?" he asked

"you like movies?"

"yes horror is my favorite"





we went downstairs to the living room and hopped on the couch, "what are you guys watching?" chris asked

"CHRIS!!!" i got up from the couch to go say hi

"hey pretty girl" he hugged me

"we're watching a horror move"

"i would watch, but this wimp wouldn't want to" he said as he pointed to mase

"oh shut up" mase said

Gavi's POV

and there we have it. her and christian are a thing and now i have a valid excuse, friends don't just flirt without it being anything

for some reason i felt something inside my stomach when he called her pretty, i'm sure i just have a stomach ache... or was it jealousy?

she came back over and sat next to me on the couch, "ooo we should watch this one" she said

"i heard it's really good, put it on"

we started to watch it and during one of the scary moments, i don't think she noticed, but chels was cuddled into me

she was like leaning into me so i just held her so she felt safe, just what friends would do.. right?

she looked up at me and i looked down at her and held eye contact for a moment, her eyes were beautiful

once the movie ended, masons family got here, i didn't know what to do so i just went on my phone on the couch

Chelsey's POV

the doorbell rang and it was masons family, "MASON YOUR FAMILY IS HERE!!!" i ran to the door as fast as i could and greeted them

"chelsey!!! it's so nice to finally see you again!!" masons mom said as she hugged me

"i missed you guys so much" i hugged her back

"stacy, jasmine, lewis!!!" (masons siblings)

"chels!!!" they all yelled back

"group hug!!" stacy said

"it's been so long"

we talked for a few more minutes and then they headed out, "are you staying here chris?" i asked him

"no i think i'm gonna go home" he winked

"ok that's fine" i said normally but secretly flipped him off


just so you guys know, this is a slow burn story so it'll get better soon. and sorry for the short chapter lol

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