chapter 45

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Mason's POV

i went into chelsey's room before she slept through her alarm and she wasn't there

did she already go to class? this early?

i went back downstairs to find my phone to call her, just to make sure all was good

i clicked on her contact and started to call her, then paused once i heard her phone ringing from upstairs

i ran back upstairs yelling her name and she was nowhere to be seen

i saw my phone buzz and it was pedri



is gavi at your house?

no why would he be

he's not here, and we have practice

chelsey isn't here and she has classes

what the fuck r these kids doing

did u try calling him

yeah, it says couldn't reach so
i guess he turned his phone off

yea well i tried calling chelsey and
her phone was left here


i'm so confused

well i gotta go to practice, i'll
lyk if gavi shows

yeah i'll lyk if i hear from chelsey


Chelsey's POV

"we chose the right night, the sunrise was so pretty" i said

"you mean I chose the right night"

"whatever makes you happy"

"you make me happy"

"yeah i know"

"ok ms cocky"

"that should change to mrs gavi"

"soon enough" he took out his phone it turned it on, "shit" he mumbled


"it's 7:15, i have practice at 7:45. i had to be there already"

"i have classes in 15 minutes fuck i cant
goes like this"

"ok we're speeding this bitch" he said as we both got in the car

he dropped me off first, then i don't know if he went to practice or home first

i ran upstairs and started getting ready as fast as i could, no makeup, hair in a messy bun, just brushed my teeth, skincare, and put a quick outfit on

i ran back downstairs and mase yelled my name from the kitchen before i walked out the door, "IM LATE FOR CLASS I CAN TALK AFTER"

thankfully i remembered my phone and had track of time, it was 7:28 and the campus was 7 minutes away so i guess i'm only a little bit late

Gavi's POV

"dude where were you?" pedri nudged me

"i'll talk later, it's alot" i told him

he shrugged and i went to coach xavi

"you're late" he said, angry

"yes i know coach i'm sorry, it's alot"

"better be a good excuse, or you gotta sprint"

"i'll just do sprints" i sighed and walked away

Chelsey's POV

"WHAT?" i blurted, to my instructor which might have not been the best idea but it's the only reaction i had in me

"you're going to interview viniscius jr. on friday for your practice interview. they are laying against fc barcelona and you need to ask about el classico, i'll give you more instructions the day of"

"no i heard you, but wow that's just a big step"

"as much as you've been late, or even missing, you've been doing really good. a lot of other students have interviews with college players but i felt like i need to challenge you to see if i can put you in for the job"

"thank you mrs. brown"

she nodded and i walked away in excitement, free tickets to gavi's game!!!

Gavi's POV

"WHAT?" pedri yelled back at me, we were now sitting in my room which was right across from pablo's

"can you shut up, i don't need pablo walking in and asking what hap-"

"WHAT HAPPENED?" pablo interrupted me walking into my room before i could finished

"nothing" i said, looking away

"can you stop lying, you fucking suck at it find a new hobby" pablo threatened me

"nothing happened" i said, still not looking at him

"honestly, i might've believed you if i wasn't listening through the door for the past 10 minutes"

"fuck you"

"so what are you guys?" pedri asked

"well i don't know, that's the problem"

"then talk to her about it" pablo suggested

"you're a dipshit" i told him

"what?" he responded

"idk it came to mind"

"talk to her" pedri said

"i will" i told him


more chapters to come today 🪇🪇

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