chapter 9

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Chelsey's POV

it was now the next morning and once again, i was awaken from the smell of something amazing. i ran downstairs but not to see mase cooking, but chris instead!

"hey there sleeping beauty" he said looking at me

"it's literally one hour past my alarm, shut up"

i went fully down the stairs and sat next to mase on the couch. he was scrolling through instagram so i decided to look at his phone. the barcelona instagram page eventually came up but just as he was about to scroll past it, i stopped him

"wait can you go on their page?"

"goodmorning to you too.. but yeah sure"

he was scrolling through their posts, and.... THERE!! there he was. the most handsome boy i have ever seen. i took the phone from him and clicked on his @.

"wtf are you doing?"

"what if i told you he was the boy i was talking about..."

"nope. nuh uh, you are not talking to that punk. no way."

i rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen where chris was still cooking. "what's his problem with gavi?"

he turned to look at me with this confused face, "it's not just 'his' problem, he's the punk of soccer. just don't get into that please. besides, i'm here for you anyways" he said to me while winking. ugh i love him 😭

i went back upstairs to get my phone as i saw a notification on instagram.

has started following you

i'm sorry, what? he knows who i am? like he remembered? i thought he was completely zoned out.. wtf? no i cant tell mase and chris cause they'll go crazy.

i followed him back and went downstairs and saw that the food was done. i sat down at the island as chris gave me a plate including waffles, bacon, and eggs

"enjoy, pretty"

"thanks cap america 😉"

mase and chris sat next to me and we all started talking about the banquet. chris wouldn't stop talking about how he got player of the CONCACAF tournament, and me and mason just stopped listening at some point. mason just went on and on about how good the food was. imagine having to listen to an english accent for 10 minutes talking about how good food was? not fun and don't recommend

"so how was ur night, stink?" mason added

"well it was kinda boring, but i was glad to see everyone from the chelsea team"

"yeah i'm sure they missed you" chris replied

we finished up eating and cleaned everything up. i planned to hang out with alyssa today just so i can fill her in on everything, she really needs to be caught up.

i went upstairs to look for an outfit, nothing too fancy but atleast something nice. i rambled through my suit case wondering what to wear. i found this cute outfit and loved it, perfect!

 i found this cute outfit and loved it, perfect!

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@pablogavi liked your post

i brought you that shirt

so excited to see you

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