chapter 58

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Chelsey's POV

we were all walking as a group, except for gavi and i walking slightly behind the rest of the guys

"you didn't have to do that" i whispered to gavi

he smiled, showing that he heard me, but didn't respond

we caught up to the group where pablo and ferran were arguing

"you know you're really blowing my shit right now" ferran told pablo

"i cant deal with you anymore, living with you everyday is living hell." pablo remarked

"just admit you're wrong"

"i'm not admitting to something that isn't true"

"what is going on?" i whispered to pedri, he turned to me with a smile

"they're arguing over if giraffe's spots are dyed or not" he laughed

"sounds like something they would argue over" i replied, also laughing

"THEY'RE LITERALLY DYED DUDE" ferran yelled, causing everyone sitting outside the restaurant that we were walking passed to look at us

"THAT IS MY POINT" pablo yelled back

"what?" ferran questioned

"took you guys long enough to realize you were arguing over something you agreed on" balde bursted out laughing

ferran and pablo turned to each other, smiled and shrugged, then dabbed each other up


we ate and went to multiple stores there and then we went back to their house, i rode with gavi, pedri, and pablo and the rest went in the car they took here

we were all now sat in the living room, trying to decide what we should do later

"can we pick up lyss then go to the beach for sunset?" i suggested

"it's so cloudy out there won't be a sunset" pedri said

"okay and?"

"okay fine"

we made those plans and i texted lyss and she said that she can go, perfect!!!

"for now what could we do?" gavi said

"i am gonna go home first, so i'll just go now, gavi wanna come?" i answered

"yeah let me just get my stuff ready" he replied

i nodded and he went upstairs to his room

eric was lying down, staring at me, "you good?" i asked, laughing

he was still staring at me

"uhhh is he okay?" i asked everyone else, pointing at him

"someone slap him" ansu suggested

pedri jumped up from the couch and went over to him, hitting him in the head

"OW?" eric yelled confused

"you were sleeping again" ale said

"and?" eric questioned

"you sleep with your eyes open" ansu laughed hard

"oh shit who was i staring at this time"

they all pointed to me, "my bad" eric laughed


"you ready?" i said to gavi, who just came down the stairs


i nodded and we walked out the door together, "see you guys later!"

they all waved and we shut the door behind us

"should i pick lyss up now?" gavi asked

"it's fine, i told her i'll give her time to get ready"

he nodded and we both got into his car

i started playing Steal My Girl - One Direction, "ughh i need a 1D reunion" i complained

"that'd be a miracle"

"you like 1D"

"LOVE them" he smiled

"we really are the same person" i laughed


we got to my house and there were a bunch of cars in our driveway

i put the code into the front door, "we're baaaa-"

i saw a bunch of boys on the couch, they all turned and it jude, jack, kai, mase, chris, declan, and ben

they all looked at me first, but then shifted their eyes to gavi, then back to me

"CHELSEY!!!" jude jumped up from the couch, running to me

he gave me a big hug

"hi there jude"

"oh ur not excited to see me?" he said, with a sarcastic pout

"so happy to see you buddy" i said, causing him to smile

i said hi to everyone, then told ben to come upstairs with me and gavi really quickly

"what do u need an outfit for" he laughed

"i need help picking a bathing suit"


we got upstairs into my room, "i'm gonna pick a few out" i told them

i walked into my walk into my walk in closet, then closed the door behind me so all the bathing suits would be a surprise

i walked over to the dresser that they were all in, hmmm which ones should i choose?"

Gavi's POV

i was sitting on the edge of chelsey's bed, and ben was sitting in her vanity chair

there was an awkward silence, until ben broke it

"sorry about that foul on you i had" he laughed

"it's all good, i deserved it" i also laughed

"see i'm a little overprotective over her, so i advise you don't hurt her like at all"

"ofc not" i smiled


i looked over to him with a confused face

"you don't have to talk to me like i'm her dad, we could be friends too, you're really awkward for being named the punk of football" he laughed

"well i do question why people call me that, like everyday"

"cause you seem like one on the pitch, off of it you're just like a baby. no offense but you're just like really sweet i don't really know"

"thank you, i think?"

he laughed, and chels came back out of the closet

she held three up, a pink one, a blue one, and a black one

"which one, gavi you can get a say"

"black" we both said at the same time

"hm maybe i'll go to gavi for fashion advice as well"

"hey" ben interrupted

"fine fine" she laughed


kinda a boring chapter but next one will prob be fun idrk

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