chapter 70

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Chelsey's POV

chris and mase shortly had to got since warmups we're almost done and that's when they came over by us

we were sitting at our seats now, the teams are just walking out

we stood for the anthems and sat back down

"i'm scared" i told jack, who was sitting to my left as jude was on my right

"me too" jude leaned over me, joining the conversation

we were sitting front row right in the middle, we had such a good view

the game whistle blew and it has officially started

"i'm gonna pee myself" i joked

"then go pee" jude advised

"no" i shrugged

jude gave a weird look but laughed cause he was just joking


"HOLY SHIT GO MASE GO!!!" i jumped up from my chair, he was dribbling through the opponents like they were cones

he passed it to chris in the corner and chris sent the cross in, "KAI HEAD IT!" jude yelled, also jumping up

kai headed it, jack jumped up, but barcelona's goal keeper ter stegen made an amazing save

"fuck" we all said, sitting back down


it's the second minute of extra time of the first half, still 0-0

oh shit wait

"shit shit shit" i mumbled, frenkie was dribbling with a fast pace and nobody on him

"REECE!!!" jack yelled and cheered, after reece made a great tackle

the referee blew the whistle

"FOUL?" i threw my hands up

it was a free kick from right outside the box

it was already passed extra time so this was the last play

it looks like lewy was going to be taking it

chelsea set up a wall

the whistle blew, and i closed my eyes cause i didn't wanna see it

a moment later i heard the crowd go wild, but not jude or jack


i took my hands over my face to see barcelona celebrating in the corner

on the big screen was the replay, "good shot?" i asked, waiting for him to shoot

"just watch" jack said

i watched and saw that lewy didn't shoot, he passed it to pedri in the corner, crossing it and then ferran headed it in

"i cant lie, that was a good goal" i clapped softly

the half time whistle blew, chelsea down 1-0

chelsea came in all with their heads still high. mase told me as a captain, he would make it clear that they CANNOT lose motivation today


half time just ended and both teams were back on the field

the second half whistle blew and they begun

chelsea seemed to be passing really well, keeping possession for majority of the time

"great possession skills but ur not getting shit out of staying on ur own half" i said to my self

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