chapter 23

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Chelsey's POV

before i got to the car, pablo got out and opened the door for me, "aww how sweet of you"

he laughed and went back to the drivers seat

"some kinda friends you got" he said sarcastically


"chilwell is one of a kind"

"ohh that's what you're talking about, he just gets really protective and doesn't like to see people hurt me"

"i didn't know you cared that much"


"not like that, i'm sorry let me rephrase that. i didn't know i meant that much to you where it would hurt you, once again i'm sorry"

"it's okay, and also what did mason say to you during the match?"

"oh look we're here already!" ok

we walked in and pablo gave his name and they brought us to the table

i texted chris to let him know we're here like he told me to do

"this is funny cause last time i was sitting here, you weren't in front of me" i joked

"haha very funny"

a few minutes passed and the waitress came to take our order, "hi what can i get for you guys today?"

we gave our order and she asked us something again

"are you guys a couple orrrrr..." she asked as she intensely staring at pablo

we both said no at the same time, "oh ok, i'll be right out with your meals" she said as she patted pablo's shoulder

"she was so hitting on you" i told him

"no she wasn't?"

"yes she was are you oblivious"

"whatever, i don't need a girl in my life. i don't want any distractions for football"

"oh i get that" then what am i...?

the food eventually came out after a few awakard minutes

"can i be honest with you for a second?" i asked him

"yeah what's up?"

"this is awkward"

"i was thinking the same thing"

"let's get to know each other more"

"okay i wanna know about you first, what's your biggest passion?"

"my sports interviewing career"


"yes, i haven't had any classes yet because they haven't started, but they soon will"

"oh that's cool, maybe you'll interview me one day"

"my turn, why does everyone call you a punk?"

"ummm.. probably because i foul alot, i couldn't think of another reason"

"oh how nice"

the waitress came back and handed us the check, i started to pull out my wallet to split the bill until he took my card and gave the waitress his

"on me"

"you didn't have to"

"this dinner is for you"

"you're so sweet"

he smiled and we started to get our belongings together

once the waitress came back and gave him his card, she slipped a note to him

"what's that?" i asked

"i don't know, we'll look at it together in the car"

we walked to the car and got in, "okay open the paper"

he read it out loud, "here is my phone number, text me"

he crumbled the paper and threw it out the window

"woah why'd you do that she was pretty"

"like i said, i don't want a girl"


"do you like to listen to music?" he asked

"um yes duh"

"how about we drive a little and you can put music on"

"yes!!!!" i connected my phone and put my playlist on, which was all taylor swift

"you like taylor swift?"

"i love her" i replied

"then i guess i have to start listening to her"

i put on her known hits so he could sing with me and we had a great time

"it's getting pretty late, do you think you can drop me off now?"

"yes ofc" he sajd

we got back to the house, "thank you alot for today, hopefully we can do something again soon"

"we should go to the beach sometime, just text me!!"

"okay, bye pablo"

"bye chelsey" he hugged me

i got back in the house and chris was gone i think

"maseeee i'm home!!!"

he came running downstairs, "how was it?"

"it was so good, we drove around listening to music"

"your favorite"


i went upstairs and wiped all my makeup off and did my skincare, then i got changed into comfortable clothes

i went to mason's room cause i was extremely bored

i knocked on his door and he told me to come in so i just went in and jumped on his bed

"what's up" he asked

"i'mmmm soooo boreeedddddd"

"you should pick my outfit for tomorrow"

"where are you going??"

"i'm just going to dinner with my family"

"oh fun ok i'll help pick"

i looked in his closet and drawers and picked out an all black outfit

"wear this, you look good in all black"

"thanks chels"

"i'm still bored"

"go text pablo"

"you're right i will"

"okay have a great time"

Punk - Pablo GaviOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz