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Written by: khadyjatt




We tend to focus more on ourselves that we don't see the pain in our loved ones, today Jannah decide to visit her elder sister Maryama and to be honest she wished she paid more attention and wasn't so engrossed in her self, perfect marriage doesn't exist that she knows for a very long time but having to deal with infertility is a test it takes little of people among mankind to accept it, Maryama and her husband may seem happy from the outside but the desperation of them wanting to have their children is the only thing threatening there marriage, Although the doctor assure them they are both healthy but that doesn't help especially with there marriage leaping to almost 2-3years now, it's one thing to be barren is another to be healthy but unable to conceive.

"Ya Maryama just be patience insha Allah you will soon be pregnant stop stressing yourself because that might even affect you through the process," Jannah says worriedly and Maryama sighed.

"It's no problem Jannah,
Thank you for coming and you also just take your mind off all this thing that happened,
Allah swt will bless you with a husband soon Insha Allah, just try your possible best and ignore any rumors and stuff, you are still young, right,
Just take care of yourself, look how you lose weight,
What is yours will find its way to you."Maryam says and Jannah nod.

She spend the afternoon at Maryam's and after ASR she left, with a sigh jannah turn on her phone, ofcrse she has to off it mostly because Najeeb won't stop calling, for the past 2days he'd shut her phone down with endless missed calls and text messages, she doesn't want to speak to him it's as simple as that but he kept calling she got tired of blocking contacts and let him call, she's not picking , she's done with his chapter, closed and end, he's married he should go face his wife but one thing that is certain she's never forgiving him, for using her and dumping her like this, nothing hurt more than that, she fully entrusted in Najeeb Wlh by Allah if any told her he's not going to marry her she would shove those words down there truth and gag them to dead but then he did it, he slept with her had it been nothing intimate had happened between them she wouldn't even mind or perhaps if he wasn't the first man she slept with, taking that thing they called virginity that doesn't mean a lot to her alone but seems to all men in this planet just like Aneel said, speaking of Aneel a message pop and it's from him she delete it without even reading, what he said to her are still freshly in her brain and whenever she sat alone she can't help but think about all those mean words above all she kept wondering if she marry today what would she tell the man if he found out she isn't a virgin that alone usually upset her and give her million reasons to hate Najeeb the more, his call come in again and this time jannah answer not because she want to but her phone is only about 15%and she's not heading home and she didn't come with her charger.

"Stop calling me Dimwit,
I don't want to talk to you,
Go and enjoy your marriage, leave me Alone."Jannah says harshly as she stops a taxi.

"Come on Jannah you didn't even give me a chance to speak, I'm sorry okay and please just don't hang up please just give me 10-20 minutes of your time."
Najeeb impatience voice says through the phone as Jannah mutters her address to the taxi.

"10 minutes of my time?
You are stupid if you think I would have 10 minutes to waste blabbering rubbish with you,
I hate you Najeeb and Allah ya isan mun,
I will never forgive you, I'm equally guilty for what happened but I was dumb regardless,
Go and face your marriage and leave me,
Let me have my peace and recover,
Please I beg of you to leave me alone." Jannah says as the taxi driver glances at her asking which junction. He could drop her.

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