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Written by :khadyjatt


The past 5days has been crucial for both couple, the lack of peace in the house is overwhelming, one might think they aren't trying but they are extremely trying to make things work but fail wholly each attempt.

"Jannah was sitting as usual in the parlor just wondering, she is starting to think the house is hunted, anytime faisal leave the house she become restless and confused this voices just kept telling her to leave and faisal presence is just tiring to her, she doesn't know right from wrong she could barely decipher fiction from fact.

You are not done."the familiar voice say entering the parlor she didn't budge from her position.

Faisal call and drop the backpack and sit next to her.

"I don't want to live here faisal,
I feel like something is after my life, I can't touch anything because I'm afraid it would break or hurt me.
I don't love you anymore."she say tiredly as faisal release a heavy breathe.

"But I told you we are moving out next week,

"I don't want to stay here,
I don't even want to be. With you,
I'm tired of this marriage and you."

She say and left the parlor frustrated, she's sad if there is a word beyond that then she's  been exactly what it is, she feel helpless and tired, angry its a whole mixed emotions at the moment.

She wiped her and grab her suitcase from the closet,
She can't stay, she cannot stay in this house and she doesn't want to be with causal that's all she knows and hear in her head.

Faisal sat in the parlor with his hand supporting his jaw, at this point he doesn't know what to think,
He's not sure if Mami has anything to do with this or is Jannah doing her own thing because she doesn't wanna be with him, she came down with her suitcase he just follow her with his eyes as she leave the house he couldn't stop her, there's just too much to say and a lot to talk about perhaps some space would do them both good.

Jannah head home straight, no one was home so she just dust the place and arranged her stuff a sense of relief was washed over her after she bath and lay on the bed, she didn't think much she instantly fall asleep do to the lack of sleep she has for the past few days in her home, she sleep for good 3hours and when she wakes up she was kinda surprise to her see herself in that sorrounding until she recalled what happened and she sigh, she come down from the bed and grab some money from her purse and exit the old apartment.

"Jannah."her step mum called clearly surprise and she humm in response, she greet her and quietly exit the house leaving the curious middle age lady.

Walking down the quiet area full of nostalgic memories good and bad she shake her head at some thought, images from the past briefly cross her mind and she find herself muttering  Astagfirullah, she head to the familiar supermarket and bump into Aneel.

"Jannah."he call and she wave at him but didn't stop.

"Jannah!"he call juggling to catch up with her as she fasten her steps.

I just want to say thank........

"Look Aneel I did what I did with no whatsoever motive, I would do that to anyone so don't think you are any special,"

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