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WRITTEN BY: khadyjatt



Despite his busy schedule faisal still create time to be with his baby girl sometimes he even take her with him to the construction other days if he's less busy he stay home to be with her, he hasn't reach out to Jannah he don't know the stand of their marriage but all he knows is he still care about his wife and pray daily for Allah swt to set their Affairs for them,
He also once in a while to ask mama how Jannah is doing "I hope she comes out of this misery sooner" is mama's usual last sentence.

It's a Saturday morning causal always sleep with his daughter next to him, some days the maid stay over other days she leave, he had a long night working on a client building plan so when he comes back from fair prayer instead of doing his usual Witr until sunrise he goes back to sleep but seems to soon Ammah wake up and she doesn't want to go back to sleep he give her the formula and she finish it with a snap and doesn't want to go back to sleep, he ignored her and force himself to continue his sleep but children can be really problematic,
Sitting upright with a sigh he pick his phone fromthr bedside scratching his sleeping eyes and sigh.

"Ammah its still early."he say with a sigh and drop the phone looking at the little girl who innocently stare at him there's no way he will look at her without reminding him of his wife.

9am still feels too early for him because he spend the entire night working, he pick her up and come down from the bed with a sigh, maybe he should just drink something and start his day, he exit the bedroom and walk down the lobby the light in the parlor is on which makes him knitted his brow may be his wife is back he thought as he walk down the stairs, everywhere neatly arranged unlike how he left it yesterday night.

"Sallamu'alaikum."he say adjusting Ammah to a comfortable position in his arm, he walk to the kitchen and push the door gaining the familiar female attention.

"Good morning Sir."she greet crouching down and he sigh tiredly dropping Ammah on her high eating chair.

"Morning."he reply gravely and open the fridge, he remove the case of water with a sigh and sit on the stool next to his daughter chair.

He's really tired and exhausted, sleep is the only thing his brain keeps ringing to him which is really necessary because he hasn't see so well for the last 4days work all day and pray all night was what he has been doing, he look up from the case of water to the lady who's now feeding his daughter the smash potatoes.
He still hasn't know her name because that really isn't his concern, all he knows she's the lady that take care of his daughter, he guess she's doing great since whenever Ammah sees her she gets all excited and the few times he left her with Ammah he check through the CCTV and he must admit she's good with kids.
He avert his gaze and zapped out to his reverie, he still wonder how Jannah sleep peacefully at night without a care of how or where her daughter is,
Is it even normal ?
Or perhaps she's under some spell,
But what spell would make a mother to stay away from her own child this long?
Everyday he seems to be learning new bizarre things about life, Jannah had really disappointed him in every way, he push all thought about Jannah and come down from the stool.

"Mam come with me."he say reaching out to carry the girl but she refused making him to knitted his brow with a frown.

"Ammah."he call picking the little girl who start throwing tantrums crying and the nanny reach out to collect her he give Ammah to her and the little girl stop crying.

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