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WRITTEN BY: khadyjatt


"I have been in this town for the past 2days you are always going out,
The driver now take Ammah to school and bring her back, the maid do the chores,
What exactly is your problem j,
Look I don't know what Mami is instigating you ........

"Mami, Mami, Mami I am sick and tired of hearing that name from your mouth faisal,
You came this town when last?
3 months ago and you spend only two weeks you left and I have been calling you, come back home, come back home but what did you tell me,
You are busy and I should come,
So I shouldn't pick interest in other stuffs?
I'm tired of you complaining,
Tired of not been enough, tired of everything, how many more sacrifices do I have to make because of you?
I loss everything and everyone Al .........

"You loss everyone because you don't listen,
You don't listen to anyones advice once you've make your decision you are obdurate about it, your ego always in the front for you,
What do you want jannah?
This is going to be our 5th anniversary but Everytime there's something to deal with, we have struggle to have Ammah for good three years I expected a better treatment that what you are doing now,
I've told you jannah countless time without number face your life and leave Mami alone,
Pray if it's even charm she used on you let it waver,
I don't just get any of this."He say calm but the frustration evidently clear on his face.

Jannah storm out of the bedroom and leave the house, anytime she sees faisal the guilt of everything eat her up, even though what she did was never anything serious but at same time she's confused he isn't giving her the time she requires he seems to have other priorities, she's so insecure and it's driving her nut, ofcrse she drove to Mami house she wasn't around but she called her and she ask to wait for her because she just briefly went somewhere.

"Mallam, that one you gave she refused to collect it,
She even make it clear she doesn't want anything since after the previous work you did on the husband and he came, she is difficult to convince and we are running out of time, you know it."

"You need to convince her hajiya,
This one you are seeing if by any chance she will drop it inside of his stuffs Wlh something must happened that I promised you,
This is the one for Alhaji use this on him for 3 days and consider your wish guaranteed,
If you can still convince her to make use of the other 3 I have to you combined with this one
Hajiya Wlh nasara taki the Alhaji and the son all will be under you."he say confidently and Mami nod impresssively, she drop the bundles of money on the mat and leave still trying to process how she would convince jannah.

She barely leave the area when she got a call from a worried jannah that she's home, Mami tell her to give her few minutes she will come and meet her, 
Happy as she formulate a plan on how to convince Jannah to make use of the stuffs,
A plan so mischievous and conniving one that jannah would fall into it dragging faisal into it and bringing everyone down with the pot of secret shattered in her face.

Walking inside the house with his daughter faisal happily listen to the little girl yapping about how her day went at school, jannah haven't told him where she went to but Mami has already told him she is at her house,
it really pains him that jannah doesn't trust him to do as he say, staying away from Mami is better because been close to her doesn't make any difference to the woman she will still take advantage of jannah vulnerability regardless,
Allah knows his intention are always clear and even though he know there are things he hide from jannah especially this couple of months but he did it for his sanity and circumstances push him to,
But he knows eventually he will still tell jannah even though he know that would hurt her and perhaps bring an end to there marriage but he hope she reason with him.

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