51 13 3

WRITTEN BY:khadyjatt

Chapter 33

"Mallam aiki kam yayi kyau,
I'm really satisfied by your work, it's about 2weeks now since she left the house but even though he pay attention to my niece,
He isn't still comfortable around her, he just try to keep things casual and she said he still talked highly about his wife,
Mallam me I just want them seperated forever he shouldn't think about her and if possible he should divorce her, I want him to marry Fatima."

"Hajiya you like been in hurry,
Don't worry I told you all of these is a gradual process, this boy is very religious most of the work impact has to be on his wife and now you see she isn't in the house, so if you go home now you will send me your niece there are some work that need to be done on her."

"Okay that isn't a problem Insha Allah I will send her to you, please let everything be done as soon as possible I don't want that girl back in that house."Mami go ahead complaining to the Mallam about her own personal problems so he could help her figure out a solution.

Mami have full confident and believe in sorcerer the amount of money she spend and the unthinkable things she has done some she herself cannot say it out, her love for money and the heavy greed inside her is what drive her into all of this.
To her in everything Money comes first it was the motive that lead to her marrying her bestfriend husband in the first place, her only concern now is that she couldn't bare a male child for Alhaji so faisal would be the on having high share of the property but him marrying fatimah at least they would somehow have full access to the wealth but they say in the process of digging a hole of wickedness one must know there limit because there is no guarantee that the person they are hatching that for would fall into it, Mami nor Fatima would predict the consequences of there action but one thing that is certain is time will unravel everything and perhaps it would be too late for them by then.

"You left your matrimonial home Jannah are you okay?
No wonder I've seen your husband the other day with this tall dark skin lady,
What is wrong Jannah?
I traveled for few months and you are back home,
Why didn't you call me?"Lawrat ask and Jannah shake her head.

"I don't want to be married to Faisal again."


"Because I don't want to."

"You will go back Jannah,
Whatever it is it will passed with time,
Everyone have ups and down in there marriage but don't let that be the reason for it to failed it,
Stand up and get ready."

"Aunty Lawrat I don't want to go."

How Long have you been married?"
3years so why let go now you don't even have any reason doing what you are doing.
Stand up I've called the faisal he say he's home,
Let's go and talk this thing out whatever it is let it be resolve today."

"I won't go,
How many times have I called him he didn't answer he was waiting for me to leave for him to his start hanging out with that girl he doesn't really care,
Why would he care when I can't give him a child,
I don't want to go stay there out of pity if he really cared he would have come of at least answer my calls he can go to hell,

Lawrat sigh and remove her phone from her handbag, she called Faisal and asked if he would come to the house which he say he would be on his way once he round up with all he's doing in the side which would be in less than 20minutes, Jannah hiss by Allah she is just extremely bitter toward faisal,
She herself doesn't know but his presence really infuriate her.

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