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Written by:khadyjatt




Weekends are always lively around faisal  household, he usually wakes up late and to different aroma of delicious food prepared by his dear wife, she would make different type of chicken, pepper soup, grilled, fried and a lot more for him, he loved the weekend and by any chance had he let him and jannah have misunderstandings during weekends, whatever the case he makes sure they settle by Friday night he love and appreciate food, as usual he went back to bed after fajr, he wakes up and isn't surprised that it's past 11am he's hungry it's not as though he didn't have dinner yesterday night, he did have dinner he just work up his appetite during midnight with his wife,
The first thing he notice is how disoriented the bedroom is which is certainly unlike jannah, he furrow his brow and kicked the crocs out his way and exit the bedroom.

The television was playing loud from the parlor as he walk down the stairs, jannah never apologize to mami but faisal used her phone and send mami an apology text message which she reply with,
"it's alright, we are all family now"
Seems okay to him or so he thought.

"J."he call walking inside the parlor and grab the television remote reducing the volume ofcrse.

"You are awake ?

"Yeah, awake and hungry."he reply and jannah nod.

"Go sort yourself out,
I couldn't cook I don't know why but I feel nauseous anytime I head to the kitchen."she with her gaze fixed on the  television.

"Ohhhh, sorry that's not a problem,
I will just do something for myself or do you want anything in mind?"he ask smiling at her and she shake her head.

He head to the kitchen and look at the kitchen confused, plates from yesterday dinner and everything is just a mess, so unlike jannah,  he can't eat a food prepared in such untidy environment, he decide to clear up the kitchen it took him about 30minutes to do so, once he's done he prepare some noodles for him and jannah, plenty sardines,fried eggs and some sausages  just the way jannah want it.

"J maybe we should get a maid now that you are pregnant so you won't stress yourself."Faisal suggest entering the parlor but jannah isn't there, he shrug and sit on the carpeted floor changing the television to a comfortable channel, halfway eating his food JAnnah's phone beep and he grab it from the couch,
They don't really mind checking each other's phone so it wasn't a big deal, he knitted his brow and drop the fork inside the plate and click on the message,
He feel all his appetite gone and the parlor door open making him to look up,
Jannah quickly snatch her phone from his hand as he just look at her speechless.

"Where are you going to?"faisal ask and she didn't answer him she just left making him to quickly stand up and follow her outside.

"Where are you going to?"


"Jannah!!"he call grabbing her by the arm and turn her to face him.

"Where are you going to?"

She remove his hand from her arm and open the car.

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