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Written by :khadyjatt




You know that feeling where by you tend to get sick automatically after knowing the outcome of a certain action? Neither did Faisal show up nor was his contact going forth past 4 days, she dial the number countless time for the day and as usual, it just beep and that's all, she has send messages to his WhatsApp, voice notes and left a lot of SMS but none was reply, she feel hopeless and at same blame herself for been so damn temperemental next time she would certainly choose her rods carefully.

"Ya Jannah they said they want the chicken to be cook?"

'"Mama please tell them I can't,
I don't have energy for that."Jannah reply laying on the bed.

She find herself losing interest in everything,
Faisal probably listen to his dad and avoid her,
We need to talk and then he do just left her hanging, she went to his office twice but they didn't even let her pass the gate, she's hopeless.

"Ya Jannah they said you should please that it's for an event, they bought 10 and said they would increase the service money for you."Mama say and Jannah sigh looking at her sister boredly.

"When did they want it?"

"Tomorrow morning."mama say and Jannah nod at her.

"Fine, you will do everything don't say I didn't warn you."

She sit upright and massage her throbbing head, she's been having this weird feeling and maybe hearing voices in her head, but that's because she haven't had a decent sleep for the past 4days, the long she sleep is 1hour, she deliberate about going back to faisal parents and apologize to his dad but that kinda sound desperate so she quit the idea.

She decide to go buy the ingredients for the chicken, she really need some fresh air, she left the house agitated and jittery, she was jumpy and anxious in general she doesn't look okay at all.

"Jannah."the familiar voice call gaining her attention and she turn.
Zahrah was behind her, she is with her daughter jidderh, Jannah just look at her uncomfortable she feel like throwing up and her head, subhanallah it ache badly.

"Are you okay?"Zahrah ask looking at Jannah who shake her head and continue walking away, the air feel so suffocating and her lungs seems to be congesting.
Barely few meters away from the junction she hit the ground and loss conciouusness.

For consecutive 2days Jannah has been swaying from consciousness to unconsciousness, ever her aunties pitied her because never did they all thought Jannah's Jinn was that serious, ruqiya after ruqiya, Islamic herbs and so forth they seems to be making an impact though, yesterday night they all couldn't sleep mostly Jannah won't stop screaming at night, even neighbors become skeptical about the whole noise and have to Come see if everything was alright.

"Kin Yi mata hayakin Ney?" Aunty Ummi ask and mama nod looking down at her sister.

We will be going make sure you give her the medication you heard what the Mallam said."Maman walida add and the two women left.

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