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WRITTEN BY: khadyjatt




"But whatsoever Jannah please try and be taking good care of yourself, anyone that sees you knows you aren't very happy, you've loss excessive weight,
This pregnancy of a thing is time, take me as an example how many years have I been married almost five years now and Allah bless me with the pregnancy,
What happened in the past don't take it as a punishment or whatever,
You received your treatment am sure when the right time comes you will conceived."Lawrat say and Jannah shake her head.

"Aunty Lawrat yours is different,
You didn't commit any sin and certainly didn't lie to your husband, I feel like whatever problem I'm in today I build it myself, lies always doesn't bring anything good,
I know I shouldn't have helped aneel as he said but
I can't denied the fact that regardless whatever happened in the past at some point he was a source of happiness, life happens and as much as causal is angry about this I hate to admit that I didn't regret my action, I don't know why he's been so insensitive this days."

"Be patience Jannah,
That's just my advice to you, this marriage life is like an internal war zone, and whoever say they marry to rest they really don't know what they are saying but if you are patience this to will pass, Faisal is just been so insensitive and I don't even know how to describe, I feel miserable and unhappy and he doesn't seem to care at all."

She flick her tears away and try not cry but failed, she's been suppressing all this emotions and pain inside her for a very long time so she losing her guards now is normal.

"Stop crying Jannah,
All this will pass insha Allah, exercise some patience
Steadily du'a and it will pass,
Don't let your emotion or feelings makes you take decisions you will later regret,
Faisal anger is justified Jannah,
But we are all bound to make mistakes at least you learned from it,
Faisal wants you to understand that whatever decision you will make he should know because you are his wife,
You said it yourself that whatever decision he will make even though it's business related he asked for your opinion that's trust Jannah so what's so difficult with you doing same, mistrust in marriage is very bad it is the number one thing that destroy a marriage,
Please try and sort your difference with him,
Leaving or whatever you are suggesting won't help,
There are women out there who want this, he's successful and young a lot of ladies will want him so don't even make the mistake of leaving,
You want to go and stay in that house ?
You know you won't be happy and you certainly cannot live there anymore,
Be patience my dear."

One word after the other and by the time she find some solace its afternoon so she left and decide to stop by faisals place in the office.

She hasn't been here for a while and it seems each time she come the place changes faisal is great at doing his work, she greet the reception and head to her husband office which is in the last floor of the 3storey building, she greet the few familiar faces and head to the office.

She pushed the door open and enter, the reception already told her faisal is in a meeting, she drop her handbag on the one of the chair and decide to sit on the ergonomic comfy chair behind the large desk.
Her head on the head rest as she close her eyes thinking about her life, one problem after the other but she can't ignored the fact that her life is 10times better than before, she sigh and sit upright as she stare at the portrait on his desk, this was there first ever picture after there wedding at the airport, memories from that day brought a smile on her face which makes her sigh.

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