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Written by : khadyjatt


Despite there baby been premature but she was a healthy baby though the hospital suggest she stay at the NICU for close watch to be sure if she's healthy which both parent agreed, but Jannah majority of the time spend her whole day in the hospital other days she even sleep there even though sh barely have access to the baby today isn't very much different its been a long exhausting 2weeks they will be taking there baby home today Jannah slept in the hospital so it's just him at home he hasn't heard from Mami in a while probably since the day she left the hospital, he decide to stop by to check on her before heading to the hospital even sharing the news of the baby been healthy to be home that's not all he also let Mami knows he's naming the baby after his mum.

He's currently standing in the garage by the car he's on a phone call Mami who's standing on the porch just look at him with raw anger and hate, she wished she can do something to hurt them suddenly it rings in her head, the amulet she needed a corpse to put in, nobody wants to die in the family perhaps she has to make someone a corpse, the evil whispers in her ear and she shake it off but the more she stare at faisal the angrier she get, she enter the house with her cruel intention committing the most evil deadly sin one could ever imagine.

"Okay thank you very much doctor."jannah say smiling as she cradle her baby with a gigantic smile on her face.

Finally she get to take her baby home though the doctor makes her understand that things wouldn't be as easy and normal like that of a full term baby but with time the baby would adjust, she leave the office and sit in the reception patiently waiting for her husband as she stare at her baby she look so much like her mum she's naming her after her mum
Amaya she look up and faisal is walking in making her to wave at him and he walk to her with a smile.

"What took you so long?"she ask as he reach out to collect the baby but she hand him the bags making him to groan but collect it.

"I went to see mami,
Look at my baby looking so cute like me,
Baby Anisa."he say grabbing her small hand in his and jannah didn't comment about the name he refer her to but she knows she isn't going to agree with that.

The exit the hospital mostly faisal doing the talking as they walk to there car, he open the door for his wife and quickly shut it when she is comfortable and answer his ringing phone climbing into the driver site.

I'm not hearing you I will call you when I get home."he say and hang up with a sigh starting the ignition.

"Maybe we should stop by Mami's place so she can see the baby before we head home."

"Doctor Barde said to let her rest and she's open to air borne infection because her system is too weak,
I'm sure mami will come by evening."

The couple continue making small conversation mostly about the baby they barely make it home when faisal answer the emergency call from Mami's phone only that it wasn't she it was the maid,
Mami accidentally stabbed Amirah in defense because she was out of control, he make a U turn and go back to the house with a rapidly beating heart, saying whatever prayer and supplication he can as he recklessly drive to the house by the time he arrived the news have spread like wildfire people from the estate are packed in the house as mami cry kneeling. Next to her daughter's bleeding body Amirah was rushed to the hospital while mami was taken into police custody despite faisal object but mami insisted she needed to give her statement which according to her she was trying to feed Amira her food as usual when she gets violent and grab the knife to stab her which she successfully tried but defend herself which lead to the knife cutting her wrist and some places on her hand she said things escalated and she don't know she ended up stabbing her own daughter but it was all in defense,
While some buy the story others believe she killed Amirah because she's tired of taking care of the girl news reached to her husband and he also come to the station.
Amirah die at the hospital because it was too late and she has lost alot of blood, at the station mami was release because there's no any evidence that she intentionally stab her daughter more over the defensive cuts in her hands shows she was right about her story,
Mami cry while everyone feel sorry for her losing all three daughter in a span of 4 years sure is alot more difficult and tough to deal with, but wether or not what she did was intentional or not that is her own secret to carry but what mami will do next sure is one of the inhuman thing one would ever do especially to there child.

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