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Written by: khadyjatt





Time they say flies over us but leaves it shadow and we can't have a better tomorrow when we keep thinking about yesterday, regret for wasted time is more wasted time one can never make up for lost time we can only do better in the future.
Time teaches us lessons and we learn from our mistakes but sometimes we also get too comfortable and lost in time, and who said the End isn't another beginning, life is a circle of no ending experience,
And it is indeed soon true that people change and we don't always get to know a person completely because with time they tend to change and perhaps morphed some new characters.

Staring at the 3 little girl Jannah sigh, a lot had happened, her marriage life was a never ending rollercoaster and happiness seems to be a seasonal something and at the moment she's in the most crucial time of all, patience
She never thought she has a lot of that inside of her but she did have a lot of patience or so she thought.

"Amal stop it!"Jannah say and snatch the plastic hammer the girl is using to hit her sister on the head making her to start crying as she pick the little girl.

"Amal sorry, don't mind Aylah."

"Amal is so mean."the other little girl say and Jannah look up at the little girl still crying.

The door to the parlor open and the girl instantly run towards the door as her husband comes to view.

"Who touch my baby?"

"Amal hitting Aylah."the little girl reply as she trail along side the gentleman.

"What happened?"

"She uses the plastic hammer to hit Aylah on the head. I collected it from her she started crying."jannah lament as her husband barely pay attention to her but he's definitely hearing her, it's more like a ranting to his ear.

"Good evening."She greet and he humm in response.

"How about a walk to the supermarket?"he cheers and the little girl squeal happily he reach out and pick Aylah from jannah as he stand up with her on his arm.

Jannah watch as he left the parlor with the 3little girls which makes her to facepalm with a sigh, how tough can her life ever be.
To be clear they aren't her kids,
After there marriage a lot had happened but never did she knows a single mistake will be the reason of her been in the current situation of an unhappy marriage.
Everything was going just great after her marriage, they were happy and faisal is the most loveable husband one could ever asked for, supportive, caring  and everything, she purchased her masters and that period of time she did that one mistake of embarking on a protective birth control something she shouldn't have done without faisal consent, there marriage was barely a year then and she was juggling trying to blend marriage life with school and business it was a crucial time so she thought doing that would be necessary and perhaps at least have a year or two break before starting a family.
Amidst that which was about 7months after there wedding faisal begin talking about starting a family and suggesting a fertility check, aware she was on birth control pills and jannah refused to oblige clinging to the phrase the Almighty would bless them with a child, his sister Amal married and gave birth 10 months after her wedding, passing away during the process leaving the triplet with there workaholic dad who later died 2months after his wife, his step mum was taking care of the kids but everything went south when he found the hospital report and whatsoever his wife was hiding, he confronted jannah and in her defense she wanted to finish school before starting a family and was scared to tell him because she knows how much he adore kids, took a lot of words for the two to settle which they reach to a conclusion that jannah would stop taking which she agreed but a year pass and she didn't conceive despite the claimed she had stopped the medication, they decide to find an alternative and consult a professional so they went to the fertility clinic which after a lot of examination jannah was diagnosed Asherman syndrome , a condition where based on the doctors report said was caused after an abortion, even though jannah denied having such at the end she agreed and even though she apologize, Faisal was furious to why she never told him which jannah defend that she was scared he would leave if she had told him, it was the major problem that actually affected there happy marriage but after a lot of disagreement and apologies the couple settle there difference,
Jannah went on with the treatment  and undergo the heteroscopic surgery which went well according to the doctor but jannah couldn't concern months passed and she went on for another surgery as the doctor suggested but all effort in vain and it's been a miserable 2years,
Faisal usual bring his late sister triplet to stay with them what started as a mere weekend now has turn into a full responsibility because Faisal said he want them staying with them, she certainly isn't sad about it but it would be less frustrating if he let her discipline the kids, he always question her behaviour towards them and queries her on whatever she did, she is certainly unhappy at the moment because nothing, absolutely works in her favor.

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