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Written by: khadyjatt


Life they say is a puzzle that you kept trying to figure it out but never solve it because it's a continue puzzled, because each step you take to solving one puzzle you just happened to realise it isn't even completed, Mistakes are a part of life we learn from them and forgiveness is certainly the best gift Gif has created to human, pain is also part of life and when we talk about love we all should know that it isn't for the faint-hearted, love and pain go hand in hand but at the end we learn from that pain and find solidarity.
After Ammah passed away which seems just like yesterday but been a roughly 2months of pain and guilt, her dead not only her mother but even the hospital staffs, she bleeded and however they tried to stop it the couldn't and the little girl passed away, everyday Jannah ask why, she feel responsible ofcrse She is responsible for Ammah and even faisal unprogressive condition, the only thing that keeps her alive at the moment is hope, not only did she realise how much she love faisal but how badly she wants to be with him if by any chance God forbid something negative should happened to him she is not sure if she can survive it, she has make peace with everyone, her younger siblings, Lawrat and even her step mothers, Faisal father sat her down after Ammah passed away and tell her things, stuffs about faisal that he never for once share with her, his struggles and all the things that he went through his childhood to teenage age and Jannah realises her life wasn't so bad after all and if anything now she just want faisal to be alright, she want him alright so she can show him all the love dedicate all her time to him and tell him just so how much he mean to her.

Sighing she glance at the heart monitor and back to his face, this machine is the only indication that he's alive and it pains her a lot that after this long 3months there isn't any progress on his health,
Everyday she sit in this spot full of hope but all in vain her eyes look down at her wrist watcha and she sigh, it's passed time to pick baby at school, although fasisal dad suggest she named the girl Anisa since its her late mum name and also her daughter late name but Jannah doesn't want to, this baby is one the reason she is hoping faisal would wake up at least he would get to see her and make that decision himself so she stick to calling her baby, she grab her handbag from the bed and stand up, she feel so tired doing same thing everyday, her life feel so stagnant last week they brought faisal son to see his dad he look a lot like faisal, she barely make it to the door when the machin start beeping making her to quickly stride to the bedside and stare at causal, the hospital room open and the doctor walk in, the nurs urges her out as they do there job while she stare from the glass of the window whispering prayers to herself, after about 10minutes the machine stops and the doctor comes out, he assure her it isn't anything serious but also positive sign that his body is kinda responsive to the ask her to have faith and keep praying so she left to pick the little girl she's gradually getting used to from the daycare center.

Dishing the chicken randomly inside the takeaway plate Jannah ignore her junior sister tirade, she had really move on from what has happened moreover the person she would be beefing with isn't even alive it just makes her sick and realise that all the struggle and everything isn't permanent we have so much hope and wanting more for a tomorrow we aren't even promised of, this whole thing have given her a different perspective about life which is struggle less and pray hard, necessarily struggling on things we don't have control over is pointless one just hat to there best and leave the rest to the almighty because he's the best planner, she just try to maintain a healthy relationship with everyone that's why she makes sure to call her younger ones at least twice in a week.

"Ya Jibril saw him but he say I should talk to you first, should I tell him to come?"

"Come where ?
What's the name again?"

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