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Written by:khadyjatt




Regrets usually comes after knowing you can't rectify or undo a certain action, some mistakes change our entire life, it's funny how she do always see some stuffs online and brag about never been a victim of been so naive all in the name of love now she know for sure that been judgemental and saying all sort of things about people sit at is wrong, ladies especially should learn to stop judging others when it comes to relationship stuff rather pray that you never become so lost in love to the point you do end up doing something you would regret your entire life,
She's currently feeding her chicks there feeds but somehow her mind is restless, it's never easy to let especially knowing you made some heavy mistakes and that there are a lot of things you can't even voice out, Jannah is not only scared at this moment she fear that the mistakes she make in the past will certainly jeopardize her future,  moving on to her is not an option but at same time either of the men who ruined her life she knows doesn't deserve he,
Her phone beep and she remove it from her pocket to see it's message from Aunty Lawrat asking her if she has called Aneel elder sister, she sigh and put the phone back in her pocket.

Apparently Ramadan start yesterday Lawrat told her she ran into Aneel elder sister samurai at the tafsir and Lawrat feel it's only fair if she let aneel sister knows the humiliation her brother did Jannah, his elder was furious ofcrse because she believe Aneel has no right to say whatsoever to jannah especially about she cheating on him when he himself isn't loyal, his level of infidelity is even worst than jannah because his current wife was his best friend ex, Aneel cunn his way to his best friend life manipulate the man into divorcing his wife and ended up marrying her, so Aneel opening his disgusting man speaking of infidelity is pathetic in her own opinion, she told Lawrat to please apologize to jannah and if she can let jannah called her so they could talk, Lawrat narrated everything to jannah and forward samirah contact to her hoping she would call but Jannah feel as though it's not worth it but at same time, she needed someone to speak to especially about her relationship with Aneel, from the outside it might seems nothing is going on but only she knows the sacrifices she made in that relationship especially the last few months before everything turns complicated.

Once she finished feeding the chicks she check on her fingerlings that are now a little bit big, she pour there own feed before heading to her bedroom, nobody is at home, everyone manage to find something to keep them busy at least hers is from her comfort zone, she remove her phone and decided to call samirah Aneel elder sister, lucky enough just two rings and she answer.

"Good afternoon."jannah greet clearing her sour throat.

"Afternoon, how are you?"the gentle voice say and jannah release a heavy breathe.

"I'm fine,
It's jannah..........

"Ohhh jannah, our bride?
How are you doing?
I've been waiting for your call and was even deliberating wether to call Lawrat so she could send me your contact let me call you myself." Samirah say and jannah sigh, she doesn't even know what to say, samirah seems like an easy going person to speak with but can she trust her?
Does that even matter?
What is the worst that could happened to her aside this mess she's already in.

"Alhamdulilah." Was all jannah could say she stay quiet.

"Jannah, I know my brother isn't the best out there and I'm really sorry for what he said to you,
He has no right to say all those mean stuffs to you,
By Allah I don't know what's going on,
Had it been I didn't meet with Lawrat yesterday I wouldn't know because he knows very well and will never even dare to bring such pathetic Conversation near me, jannah please and please forgive him, if you stay angry with him Wlh even Allah swt will not let him go scot free, find it in you and forgive him, I know my brother and despite been a womanizer he has never loved someone like you, his cheating and all lifestyle I believe no woman can tolerate, believe me when he told me you two were dating especially after learning your mum is late and she's also a kurdish,
we're all like family please be patience, I'm a lady to and I know what and how it felt like to be humiliated the way he did to you, him opening his mouth saying all those words was very wrong of him but we can't also ignore the fact that he did that because he's jealous and jealousy is also a language of love, someone that loves you will definitely be jealous if he find out he isn't the only man in your life, please jannah find it in you and if there's anything that you feel you want to say please tell me, consider me a sister from another mother perhaps."samirah say and jannah couldn't hold back her tears, there's no denial that some people are just so very good with word, memories painful memories she doesn't want to share with anyone but at this point she needed to say it because she feel like it's to heavy for her to carry around, everyday she feel the need to tell someone especially Lawrat but she couldn't bring herself to say it because she's terrified, she knows Lawrat wouldn't judge but she would certainly be disappointed, but somehow she find that confidence and need to open up with samirah, from her voice she felt like she wouldn't judge.

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