The beginning

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A/N: I'm happy with Galactic Overlord but too many things that aren't satisfactory to me. More chapters, scenes and story arcs, character interactions, the various wars and more. The plot will more or less remain the same, but with more details and scenes.

70% legends material, 25% from canon and 5% fanon.

Fanon planet and system: Akkadia and the Ashur system. Part of the Seswenna Sector of the galaxy. Main geography of Akkadia is a desert with many, many rivers. Capital and largest city is called Nineveh (basically, sci-fi ancient Assyria). Official language is called northern Akkadian and the planet's moon is the forest moon of Medea.

Star: Ashur/ Assûr (3.5 times bigger than the sun)
Closest planet: Shamash
Second planet: Mizraim
Third planet: Akkadia
Fourth planet: Hatti
Fifth planet: Elam
Sixth planet: Ahhiyawa

Galactic neighbours: Seswenna, Naboo, Eriadu and Tatooine

Additional info:
Capital city: Nineveh
Temperature: 35°C on average
Atmosphere: type 1 (same as earth's)
Geography: harsh deserts with some mountains, plateaus. Villages, town and cities are situated near the rivers
Fauna: deep scorpions, fathiers (imported), mountain stags, plain goats, marsh wolves, black lions, ninghiszida (water snake), Akkadian sandworm, mûmakil, gorog
Main exports: spice
Population of Akkadia: roughly 9 billion
Of the entire Ashur system: 39 billion, most of it on the worlds of Akkadia, Elam, Mizraim and Ahhiyawa.

       -year 19 BBY, the Clone Wars-

The Clone Wars waged on. The first true major war in many centuries since the Ruusan Reformation and the republic's disarmament. My name is Salazar Covraii and I was born on the fourteenth day of the ninth month about 25 BBY, which was six years ago. Akkadia was in the Mid-Outer Rim, neither former or latter but as a part of both and like many other planets and systems, wanted to join the Confederacy of Independant Systems. The spice melange, the main export of my home, was valuable to both sides and the republic wanted it. As such, they sent a force to occupy Akkadia, with them using Naboo as a staging ground, as war broke out. The people of Akkadia, who hated the republic, did not take well to this occupation but the nobles and higher members of society in Nineveh stopped large scale rebellions. The republic knew too well the brutality of Akkadia from the ancient wars. However, not everyone was willing to play into republic hands and as such, the republic sent envoys to the towns and cities to gain the favour of influential and trusted members of the planet.

Captain Rex of the 501st clone legion was on one of the towns in Akkadia called Larsa, my home. Larsa held influential members among the general populous and he was there to gain the trust of the town chief. Along with the chief's trust, he also needed the trust of the ministers and advisors. One of them, was my father, Andronicus Covraii. Through long talks and promises, Larsa was on the republic's side. For the clone captain, it might as well be his most diffucult negotiations yet.

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