The far outsiders

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-Obroa-Skai main imperial library-

''A job well done, colonel.'' Grand Moff Tarkin told me as I returned to the imperial library at Obroa-Skai.

''All traces of project Blackwing have been purged. The star destroyer Vector has crashed into a star.'' I replied. ''The empire can be at ease knowing that there will be no further outbreaks. Or at least, that's what I want to believe, Moff Tarkin.''

''There won't be any other such outbreaks, colonel.'' the Grand Moff's voice was firm in his decision. ''Ah. Colonel Covraii, I would like you to meet Ellian Zahra, my protégé. She has been studying my tactics for quite some time now.''

''An honor.'' I said as I shook Ellian Zahra's hand.

''Likewise, colonel.'' she replied.

''I am sorry for bringing it up again but, about project night-raider, Grand Moff Tarkin.'' I said. ''I would like to be in charge of the shadow trooper programme. All the troops in my unit are battle hardened and experienced. They would make the perfect candidates to adorn the shadow trooper armor.''

''Others have also raised their desires to be in charge of the project as well, colonel. It's only a matter of deciding who to put. Don't worry, colonel. The decision will be made within two weeks time.'' Grand Moff Tarkin said and left the room with Ellian Zahra. I soon returned shortly to my ship since I didn't have anything else to do.

(Morning-Star's bridge)

''How's your leg, captain?'' I asked my best friend as he had a cybernatic one replace it.

''It's good, sir.'' Captain Gary replied. ''To think we could've been meat chops to those things or become one. I'm starting to get used to them, sir. In time, I think I can walk properly.''

''Good. Let's hope that time is sooner than later, captain.'' I said and a navy lieutenant called out to me. ''Yes?''

''Orders from Admiral Rydge, sir. Says he wants us to come with him to help finish a pirate stronghold in the Mid Rim.'' the navy lieutenant informed me. ''Shall I set course then, sir?''

''Of course, lieutenant.'' I replied and we set course for the Mid Rim. The Morning-Star's hyperdrive became active and the ship flew to the Mid Rim.

-imperial battlestation, Mid Rim-

''You disobeyed a direct order from me, colonel.'' Admiral Rydge said in an angry tone. ''I gave you specific orders to have your unit attack but you did not.''

''Sir, in my defense, without air support, the pirates could've blasted us all down.'' I replied calmly. ''And in such a big fight, the crew of the captured imperial cargo freighter could've been killed. Not to mention that there were several turrets located on the base. The situation dictated that we needed air support. I was right to put my faith in the vulture squadron led by their leader, ace pilot Vilem Kyse.''

''I have had enough of your lack of respect for the chain of command and insubordination, colonel.'' the admiral nearly roared. ''Disobeying orders, calling your underlings by names and not their designated code numbers. I've had it with you. You think that you can ignore direct orders just to show off how smart and clever you are with strategizing?''

''No, sir. I disobeyed your orders simply because it wasn't the best of plans, sir. I already gave you my reasons, sir, and aren't the cargo freighter's crew safe?''

''Enough!'' he nearly shouted. ''It is high time you learn some humility, colonel. No doubt the number of medals you won has clouded your mind. No matter. I'm sending you to Belkadan to oversee the garrison there. Pack your stuff.''

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