Final battles of Umbara

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-imperial palace, Coruscant-

''Congratulations on your award, General Covraii.'' the newly promoted vice-admiral Thrawn congratulated me. ''I heard that it was your plan that prevented Zaarin's coup. Most impressive.''

''And congratulations to you too on being promoted to vice admiral. With Zaarin out of the picture, there is room for one more grand admiral. I believe you can fill his place.'' I told Thrawn and the Chiss had every chance and talent to become one.

''Thank you for believing in me, general. And my condolences to the loss of you aunt.''

''I must get moving now, vice admiral. The war isn't going to win itself and you are tasked to hunt down Zaarin. I'll be waiting to hear of you success.'' I told Thrawn and then left the halls to go to the hanger bays. There, my guards and Prisca were waiting for me. ''I wasn't expecting to see you here, Prisca.''

''I'm supposed to be your aide, Sal. I'm going with you wherever you are on assignment. Here, Akkadia and even onto your campaigns.'' she explained. ''And... I wouldn't like it any other way than this.''

''Very well. There's more than enough room on the Endless Night for all of us.'' I said and we boarded the sith fury class corvette and flew out of Coruscant.

''Passengers of the Endless Night, zis is your flight captain speaking. Where do you vant ur destination to be? Maybe the best scenaries on zis side of ze Hydian Way?'' Gunther, my pilot, spoke in his usual manner and Prisca was surprised to hear him.

''Gunther? Sal, is that Gunther?'' Prisca asked. ''And he's your pilot? Whatever did he do to become your personal pilot? If he's here, that means Hans too is there on the cockpit. And also Vilem Kyse.''

''All three are part of my unit, Prisca. Hans and Gunther as my corvette pilots while Vilem is the leader of my fighter wings. They call him 'the vulture' and he's one of the best pilots in the empire.'' I explained to Prisca. ''They were assigned to my unit following the Samovar campaign, if I remember correctly.''

''Ey, uh... Sal... I hope vou didn't take mein sweet talk too seriously. Are ve heading back to Akkadia or not?'' Gunther asked from the comms.

''Not yet, Gunther.'' I replied. ''First we go to Ziost.''

''Copy that.'' Gunther then set in the coordinates and the corvette jumped to Ziost.

-remote cantina in the Outer Rim-

''Don't be shy, guys. Eat as much as you like.'' said the leader of Primrose, Uri Penta, to her squadmates. The former stormtrooper captain now bounty hunter found no available jobs as of late so they decided to come to a remote cantina to find one. With the Expansion Regions uprising war still going on, trade wasn't going as smoothly as it used to. ''Especially you, Hadad.''

''Not like I was planning to, Uri.'' the tank of the squad, Hadad, replied. Due to the cybernatics put into him, he was a towering figure, strong and tough, but needed lots of food.

''I know.'' she muttered and then turned to their pilot as he returned from re-fueling their ship. ''How's the Stellar-Fang, Tym?'' she asked.

''Good but tanks only three quarters full. With this war and the empire taking most of the resources, I was luckly to fill even just 40%, Uri. Supplies been gettin' more difficult to come to these part. After the Akkad Spring and all that mess.'' Tym replied and upon the mention of their birth planet, Inanna and Hadad were paying close attention.

''Akkad Spring? Did something happen in Akkadia?'' Inanna asked.

''It was relatively recent that we heard of what occurred in the Akkad Spring, Inanna.'' Uri told her teammate and then explained in detail. ''Weeks into the Expansion Regions war, an assassination attempt happened on Moff Dainah Covraii... and she died shortly.'' Uri revealed and this shocked Inanna greatly. The green haired female cyborg member of Primrose became worried of her old friend/crush. ''Not long after that, a rebellion was staged and... as if by a miracle, the moff's nephew, Gen.Salazar Covraii, returned and squashed the rebellion.''

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