Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn

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      -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''You called for me, Sal?'' the now recently promoted admiral Kosvo, or should I say, Cornelius K. Rokossovsky, asked as he entered. When he entered the war cabinet room of Khorsabad, he saw others who radiated a dark power like his friend. He could only guess that this was going to be very important.

''Come in, Bran- Cornelius.'' I told him and he entered. ''Meet Roxanna;  she's the marshal of my army. Cobra Corps, wraith legions and sith. And Nymeria as well;  my top sorceress. You already met Admiral Conrad and you also already know Prisca, Captain Kassus and my tie fighter corp leader, Vilem. Welcome to our war council.''

''War council? There is going to be another war?'' Cornelius asked.

''An unofficial one. This war is between my Cobra Corps and the Crimson Dawn.'' I told Cornelius. ''You will aid us in this war.''

''You know I will help you, Sal.''

''Good.'' I remarked. ''Nymeria, tell me what you learned from your divination.''

''I saw an enemy force attack one of your fortresses on Chalcedon, my lord.'' Nymeria told us. ''Then, my vision shifted to a place on Dathomir. There was a place where the nightsisters could use to take the force out of a person. I believe they plan to use that place on you, my lord.''

''That is... kinda troubling to hear.'' I admitted. ''So, they will attack Chalcedon. Anyone got any bright ideas? Any suggestions?'' I asked them.

''Perhaps they wish to draw you out, Sal.'' Prisca gave her thoughts on the subject. ''To attack all of Cobra's bases so that they may force you to come to them.''

''Could be. But since Maul has a former Eternal witch by his side, we must assume that they know we can use divination.'' I said. The possibility existed which made planning all the more difficult. ''Perhaps we can attack Crimson Dawn strongholds and more in the meantime as retribution. Prisca, did you manage to find some of them?''

''A few, Sal. It was extremely difficult. Whatever personnel the Crimson Dawn have, I must say, they are quite good.''

''How about we send one of our own to infiltrate them?'' Cornelius suggested. ''One to strike when we attack.''

''Good idea, Cornelius, and I have one person whom I can trust. Nymeria, are you up for the challenge?''

''You just have to say the word, my lord.'' Nymeria told me. ''Once you give it, I am ready to serve you.''

''We must hold the element of surprise.'' I said to everyone. ''Let Crimson Dawn believe that we are walking into their trap. Roxanna, I want you on Chalcedon. Act as if you were on an official inspection. When the attack comes, Nymeria will sneak aboard their ships. After that, we will attack Crimson Dawn's bases and strike at their heart.''

''Dathomir.'' Roxanna caught on. ''It will be done, my lord. Nymeria, let's go.'' She walked out the room with Nymeria behind her.

      -Crimson Dawn HQ, Dathomir-

''Sister,'' Maul called for the nightsister, ''I ask why do you insist we capture this woman? What role does she play in our plan?'' Maul asked her.

''This woman was once a friend of our enemy, brother Maul.'' She answered. ''We will draw Salazar Covraii out using her. In the meantime, you must position your forces to attack the Cobra. In this way, we will wound Covraii's pride and in his anger, he will come to us.''

''We have information on three of the Cobra bases. I will tell them to strike. Qi'ra.'' Maul called for his right hand woman. ''Ready our forces to attack Chalcedon. I will join you shortly.''

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