End of the Mimban war

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''I am not sacrificing my troops for a stupid plan.'' I muttered angrily. The imperial colonel's plans for an assault was one I heavily disagreed with as it would result in hundreds of casualties all for just a small stretch of land. ''We won't be taking part in that offensive.''

''Sir, you can't just disobey a superior's order.'' Gary told me. Even though we were still the best of friends, he called me 'sir' since I was of higher rank. Stormtrooper training and indoctrination for you.

''I know. That's why I'm asking the next highest ranking officer for a retreat into the mountain ridge.'' I said and contacted Major Melsh. ''Sir, I would like to ask for a retreat to a better advantageous position, sir. My troops and I are too exposed.''

''If you think it's for the best, then do it quickly, captain. We don't have enough fighters to spare.'' the major told me and cut off the comm link.

''You heard him men. Let's move!'' I ordered and we started preparing. The tanks were loaded with troopers and even the AT-ST legs were modified a bit to be able to carry a team worth of soldiers. We prepared to move but the colonel called for me.

''Captain, I ordered your company to join in the offensive.'' he angrily roared. ''You will join us or you will be punished. Severely.''

''Sir, if you would allow me to speak, the assault is foolish. We have little artillery and air support. It's all just a pointless waste of good imperial troops, sir. We need a better strategy to win.'' I tried to reason but the colonel wouldn't hear it.

''An order is an order. Bring your company to the position and you'll join the first wave.'' the colonel ordered. He held greater authority than me or the major so we had no choice. His plan was just going to be a pointless slaughter of fine troops.

''Turn around!'' I roared in anger. Some officers were more politician than tacticians, more radicals than people with common sense. Loyalty, money and political connections dictated ranks and not talent for something like 90% of the empire, mostly the navy. We were walking into certain death, mostly. We trekked for over an hour trying to reach the colonel's position. In that time, I reviewed the skematics and worked out a much better strategy.

''Sir, my cousin and his team.'' Gary called out to me and I looked to see ten stormtroopers approaching. ''The platoon was wiped out. They're all that survived.''

''Kassus Konstantinovich Rukovossky if I remembered correctly.'' I remarked and the trooper saluted. ''Good to have you with us, sargent. Your cousin has been telling quite a lot about you.''

''Only good things I hope, sir.'' sargent Kassus said.

''Gary. I kept forgetting to say this but better to say it now while I remember. I'm in need of a second in command. You're it till you die or I find someone better. Got it?'' I told Gary.

''Sir yes sir.'' Gary replied with a salute and we continued our march.

(the imperial assault)

The Mimbanese insurgents had established a good defensive fort in a strategic location up several hills and had heavy repeating blasters and mortars stationed. Without much air support, artillery shelling and an intense rain, it was a slaughter like I predicted. Imperial soldiers rushed up the hill only to be blasted down by heavy blaster fire and mortars. Imperial vehicles were scrapped and there were hundreds of corpses. ''I need a team of troopers now.'' I said and ten of them under sargent Kassus came. ''Rub mud on your armor.''

''Sir?'' a trooper asked.

''I said rub mud on your armor now. Camo, troopers. I need you guys to crawl through the mud and barbed wires, avoiding the blaster fire and destroy those heavy repeating nests. Take these grenades and take them out. Understand?'' I ordered them.

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