Crimson war

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            -with the Knights of Ren-

''Fortress Vader?'' asked a member of the Knights of Ren. ''That crazy woman wants us to infiltrate Darth Vader's castle? This job is too hot and I don't mean that just because the castle is located on a planet that's basically hell.''

''I agree with Bazzra.'' the team's female member, Miranda, agreed with her teammate. ''We stay away from sith, they stay away from us. We have a mutual understanding.''

''No, Miranda. You don't understand.'' their leader, Ren, told them. ''Just because we use the 'shadow' like they do, doesn't mean the sith are our friends. In comparison to all the other problems in the galaxy, we're small fish. I realize that's not how we see ourselves but that's the truth. Not to mention a sith lord, who just so happens to be Salazar Covraii, will be on us after the stunt we pulled in Akkadia. He and Palpatine will soon be on us. It's either we strike first and wipe them out or we wait until it's our time. This woman's got resources, a plan, and she has given us a layout of Vader's castle and it's defenses.''

''We can deal with droids and regular stormtroopers but what about Darth Vader?'' another member named Masiff asked. ''He ain't exactly going to be happy that we're robbing his house.''

''Nothing, Masiff. According to Qi'ra, Vader is investigating the death of Palpatine's royal guard. He ain't home.'' Ren replied. ''Unlike Khorsabad however, there won't be an army of sith guarding the place.''

''You still would like to ask that sith woman who whooped your ass out on a date, wouldn't you?'' Miranda asked.

''I mean... she kinda tall and pretty. Can you blame me?'' Ren defended himself.

''What exactly are we stealing, anyways?''

''A key.'' Ren answered. ''I don't know the Archivist and Qi'ra are planning but they tell me this key will activate a weapon that will finish Palpatine, Vader and Covraii all at once.''

     -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''The galaxy is burning itself up.'' Kore stated. ''All the criminal organizations- Hutts, Black Sun, Pykes- major and minor, you name it. They're at war with each other.''

''Crimson Dawn.'' I deduced. ''Whatever it is they're planning, it's affecting us as well.'' I told everyone present at my throne room. ''The rebel alliance is re-grouping and this 'underworld war' is weakening each and everyone of them. It's affecting Cobra's network as well.''

''Sal, I just recieved new reports.'' Prisca told me then read what she recieved. ''The emperor's royal guard were suddenly all killed. Poison. And there was a heist staged on Vader's castle just recently.''

''A heist? On Vader's castle?'' I asked as it got me intrigued. ''Vader holds sith artifacts in his castle. Some useful, others useless, still others worth nothing. What was stolen, Prisca?''

''Some key of sorts.'' Prisca answered, showing us the hologram of the stolen key and Nymeria recognized it.

''That's the key to the Fermata Cage, my lord.'' Nymeria informed me.

''The Fermata Cage? Are you certain?''

''Yes, my lord. I'm certain of it. The same built by the sith lord Darth Momin ages ago.''

''What is this 'Fermata Cage', Sal? Nymeria?'' Prisca raised a question.

''Some type of weapon capable of controlling time if I remember.'' Nymeria answered. ''I'm not certain, Prisca. Not much is known regarding Momin and his designs.''

''The secretive kind, I see.'' Prisca remarked.

''Regarding these types of sith lords, I always wondered how much of the knowledge they kept secret is actually useful.'' Nymeria mused.

Galactic Overlord (rewrite)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara