Smuggler's trail

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           -Eriadu, Seswenna Sector-

''Well, the whole mission was a bust, sir.'' Captain Gary remarked at our failure to capture the traitor. ''What is next for us now, sir?''

''I have to go to Sartinaynian.'' I told Captain Gary. ''Moff Kaine is expecting me as a special guest for an important event tomorrow. I better attend it.''

''The Morning-Star is currently being cleaned and re-fueled, sir. It'll take till tomorrow for all of it to finish. Not to mention the installation of the rocket launching systems from a victory-1 class. At least half, upto your specifications, sir.''

''Moff Kaine wishes that I arrive at Sartinaynian today.'' I mentally cursed at how my flagship was currently unavailable for flight and being on a tight schedule. ''I'll leave the ship in your capable hands, captain. Along with Captain Kassus and Major Gren. I'll take a gozanti and head to the Braxant Sector.''

''Can't you take an arquitens instead, sir?''

''I don't have the jurisdiction for that, I'm afraid. I just have to make do with what I currently have. My death troopers will come with me and once the Morning-Star is ready, come to Sartinaynian, captain. I'll be expecting you there tomorrow.''

''Sir yes sir.'' Captain Gary and I parted ways and I headed to the port to take one of the available gozantis. My death troopers were with me and we flew off to Sartinaynian.

        -Braxant Sector, Outer Rim-

The leader of my guard, DT-F17 or Anastasia, sat beside me in a room. She checked her blaster and then put down her helmet. Always pleasant to see that beautiful face but she often than not liked to take off her helmet. Something which, I'm sure, was frowned upon by imperial officers but she was part of my unit now so I held authority over her. ''Sir,'' she began, ''are you fine? I mean, doesn't your face hurt, sir?''

''A little bit but not to the same extent anymore, Anastasia.'' I replied. ''If it wasn't for you and the timely arrival of the other troopers, it might have gotten worse. I have to thank you for acting hastily, getting me out of the kitchen and straight to the medics.''

''I think I should apologize, sir.'' she said. ''If it wasn't for me, then that traitor would not have struck your face like that.''

''It's alright, Anastasia. We all make mistakes.'' I replied. ''We got a few scars here and there but we're fine. I was confident, perhaps too confident. I thought that by studying our target and learning all there was regarding her, I could've succeeded. But now I realize that these inquisitors, jedi and force users, they're a different prey. I thought that since I killed Naq Med back in Samovar, I could do it again but there is more to their mysterious powers than I realize. Next time, I won't repeat the same mistake.''

''And we'll be here to help you fulfill that goal, sir.'' Anastasia told me with a sweet smile. One of the death troopers, a male, called Anastasia and teased her regarding her little crush towards their commander. Anastasia blushed and stared angrily at her fellow death trooper.

Bumping noises

''Bridge, what is that noise?'' I asked over on the comms.

''We're being held captive by a pirate frigate, sir.'' a naval lieutenant replied. ''They have trapped us in a powerful tractor beam. They're trying to board us, sir!''

Almost immediately, blaster bolts were heard and it meant one thing. The few stormtroopers and navy crewmen were fighting the pirates. We got our blasters ready and headed to face them but an electro grenade was thrown at us. I tried getting up but the pirates came and shot stun blasts at us, making us lose our consciousness.

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