Star-quest to unknown Kadath

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    -Coruscant imperial military HQ-

''The emperor is very well aware of the existence of these 'Yuuzhan Vong', colonel.'' Grand Moff Tarkin told me, much to my shock. ''The massive build-up of the imperial military is so that in the event of a very likely invasion, the galaxy may be safe.''

''Why not tell the other commanders of the military or the public of this, Moff Tarkin?'' I asked. I could make a few guesses here and there but I needed Tarkin's confirmation.

''If the public knows about it, there will be a great panic, colonel. The emperor wishes to avoid such a thing from happening.'' Tarkin replied and he walked towards me. He took me by the shoulder and we walked towards the window to see Coruscant's streets. ''Another is to see which imperial commanders are capable enough. To know if whether or not they can be trusted to deal with the Vong. To select the most capable commanders from the various branches of the military to lead the campaigns.'' he explained even further and I could see the logic in that. ''The attack on Belkadan also serves as a good way to gauge them, colonel.''

''How so, Moff Tarkin?'' I asked.

''We now know, thanks to your report, how the Yuuzhan Vong fight. We know their tactics, their war beasts and more. And imperial forces manage to make a last stand and succeed thanks to your capable leadership.'' he said and walked back to his desk; pulling out three medals. A 'hero of the Galactic Empire', an 'Order of Victory' and the 'Banner of the Emperor' respectively. Tarkin adorned them on my uniform along with the other medals I won. ''The emperor is very pleased, colonel, and has decided personally to promote you to the rank of superior colonel. The 17th legion is in need of a new commander. I think you'll do nicely.''

I got promoted to the rank of superior colonel or legion commander. I was awarded with greater honors but I felt I did not quite deserve them. ''The real heroes were the brave troopers on Belkadan who gave their lives, sir.'' I said to Tarkin.

''Yes. And they'll be remembered as heroes of the empire.'' Tarkin replied in a non caring attitude. There were few imperial commanders who genuinely cared about their subordinates. Tarkin, being the cold, heartless man he was, cared little about lives or the opinions of the public. It was his greatest flaw. ''The emperor has also given you the authority to be in charge of the night-raider project. Congratulations, superior colonel Covraii.''

''I am grateful to the emperor.'' I replied. I had to not show my anger outright or the imperial high command might have questions regarding my loyalty. ''Then, can I move all assests and equipment involving project night-raider be transported to my ship?''

''Yes. You may.'' Tarkin replied. ''The emperor wishes for you to personally investigate some disturbances on the planet of Khar Delba.''

''I shall leave at once, then.'' I said and headed out but Tarkin called me for a moment.

''Wait, colonel.''

''Yes? What is it, Moff Tarkin sir?''

''You are tasked to not say whatever you saw regarding the Vong to anyone. Same with your death troopees and I know we can trust all of you. However, who else may have seen the Vong?''

''Tie fighter pilot Vilem Kyse was the only other survivor other than us. Major Gren and two other pilots too saw it, although only the aftermath.'' I answered. ''Are you planning to execute them, sir? They can trusted to keep a secret. I assure you of that, Moff Tarkin.''

''We shall see. Now, I remember the emperor tasking you with an important mission.'' he said and me and my death troopers walked out Tarkin's office.

Galactic Overlord (rewrite)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant