Galactic Civil War begins

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      -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''Well, the Death Star kinda lived upto the hype, I guess. Don't you think so, Sal?'' Prisca stated and then asked me.

''Maybe. But I still consider it to be a waste of resources that otherwise could've been spent on other things. Things much more... practical and convenient.'' I replied.

''You don't seem surprised at what Tarkin did.'' She stated. ''To take command of the station away from Director Krennic. You knew he'd do it, didn't you Sal?''

''I expected he would do something like that.'' I said. ''If the emperor favored Thrawn's tie defender, I'm certain Tarkin might do something to gain total control over it. The security breaches was the excuse Tarkin needed to undermine Krennic. Thing is, the emperor can only trust one man to command the Death Star other than himself or Darth Vader;  and that man is none other than Tarkin.''

''So it doesn't matter how well Krennic performed. The emperor would never have trusted him with the station.'' Prisca concluded.

''Precisely.'' I said. ''And Tarkin is like a well-trained dog, waiting his master's beg and call;  and the emperor is the one holding the leash.''

(sometime later, after the Battle of Scariff)

''Sal!'' Cornelius called my name as he entered the throne room. ''Did you hear?''

''Hear what, Cornelius?'' I asked.

''The imperial facility on Scariff was under attack by the rebels.'' He stated, surprising me. ''Yeah. A whole fleet of them attacked the facility.''

''What was the outcome?''

''Hard to decisively say.'' Cornelius replied, finding it hard on whether or not it should be a victory or loss. ''For one, Scariff is destroyed. Tarkin blew it up. The empire lost two star destroyers, the rebels lost many ships, the Death Star plans were stolen and Darth Vader is currently pursuing the rebels.''

''Hold on. Did you say the Death Star plans were stolen?'' I asked for confirmation.

''Yeah. A rebel ground team. I don't know the full story. This is all I got.''

''Let me see the report and let's conclude what we can learn about the rebels.'' I said and I was handed the report. I looked at the tactics and ship composition used by the rebels to study them. No ship capable of going head to head with a star destroyer, superior starfighters and the use of ion torpedoes to ram a star destroyer onto the planetary shield gate. ''Huh. Kinda neat.''

''You mean the ion torpedoes and ramming star destroyer trick? I thought the same as well.''

''This does give us an insight as to their tactics and ship composition. Do far, nothing that can be considered an equal to a star destroyer. However, the Mon Calamari cruisers are concerning.'' I said to Cornelius. ''You said Darth Vader was chasing the Death Star plans. Where are they now?''

''Last I heard, over Tatooine.'' Cornelius answered. ''Turns out, the Organa family of Alderaan were more than just rebel sympathizers. They've been helping the alliance all this time. Princess Leia Organa was captured and is currently detained on the Death Star battlestation.''

''I knew the theft of those three corvettes was too good to be true.'' I muttered as that particular episode came to mind. ''Knowing Tarkin, he'll be making a very drastic and highly controversial decision.''

Cornelius didn't quite understand what I meant but as he started to guess, his face grew pale. ''Sal, you don't mean... he wouldn't! Blowing up a planet like Alderaan? That's stupid, even for someone like Tarkin.''

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